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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Government and Politics
Code: 019400 Kriazhevskikh, K.P Pravo Operativnogo Upravleniia i Pravo Khoziaistvennogo Vedeniia Gosudarstvennym Imushchestvom
[ Pravo Operativnogo Upravleniia i Pravo Khoziaistvennogo Vedeniia Gosudarstvennym Imushchestvom : ] St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 37.00 | This monograph attempts a systematic research of the legal nature of the right of state officers to day-to-day management (pravo operativnogo upravleniia) and of economic management (khoziaistvennogo vedeniia) on the basis of current Russian legislation (December 1, 2003) and judicial arbitration practice. | |
| | Code: gift Gift Certificate
[ Gift Certificate : ] : Panorama of Russia, 2006 Language: English | Price: $ 43.33 | | |
| | Code: 002012E Toporov, Dmitrii Tatarstan: Political Aspect Reference Book [ Tatarstan: Political Aspect : Reference Book ] Kazan`: Panorama, 1993 Language: Àíãëèéñêèé | Price: $ 22.50 | This book contains : a brief introduction to the Tatarstan republic, with basic statistical data; a description of the governmental system and biographies of the highest officials as of June, 1992; detailed characteristics of 40 political parties and public organizations of Tatarstan; a telephone directory; a list of all the deputies of the Supreme Soviet. | |
| | Code: 015891 Sovershenno Lichno i Doveritel`no! B.A. Bakhmet`ev - V. A. Maklakov: Perepiska: 1919 - 1951: V 3 Tomakh [ Sovershenno Lichno i Doveritel`no! : B.A. Bakhmet`ev - V. A. Maklakov: Perepiska: 1919 - 1951: V 3 Tomakh ] : ROSSPEN - Hoover Institution Press, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 135.00 | | |
| | Code: 002507 Bakerkina, V.V., Shestakova, L.L Kratkii Slovar` Politicheskogo Iazyka
[ A Short dictionary of political language : ] Moscow: Astrel`, AST, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.50 | Contains about 2,000 terms and terminological idioms of Russian political discourse with explanations and examples. Intended for political scientists and students. | |
| | Code: 009442 Pokusheniia v Kremle: Ot Lenina do El`tsina Tainy. Versii. Podopleki [ Assasination attempts in the Kremlin: From Lenin to Eltsin : Mysteries. Versions. The underlying causes ] : Infra-M, 1995 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.00 | | |
| | Code: 003864 Nikolaev, Andrei N Na Perelome: Zapiski Russkogo Generala
[ At the breaking point: Notes of a Russian general : ] Moscow: Sovremennyi Pisatel`, 1998 Language: Russian | Price: $ 21.00 | Andrei Nikolaev, commander in chief of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation in 1993-97 and later a State Duma member, became famous for quitting this office because he did not agree with El`tsin`s policy on the Russian-Georgian border. | |
| | Code: 035002 Kliamkin, I., Lapkin, V. and Pantin, V Mezhdu Avtoritarizmom i Demokratiei
[ Between authoritarianism and democracy : ] Moscow: Fond "Obshchestvennoe Mnenie", 1995 Language: Russian | Price: $ 37.50 | What kind of political regime does Russia have now? What political regime would meet Russian people`s expectations? How have these expectations changed during the last two years? This publication answers these and other questions, based on four national surveys conducted in 1993-95, representing the current social and demographic structure. | |
| | Code: 015220 Biudzhetnaia Sistema Rossiiskoi Federatsii Uchebnik [ Budget system of the Russian Federation : Uchebnik ] Moscow: Iurait-M, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 40.50 | This textbook contains a description of the creating, adopting, and functioning of the federal budget in a systematic way. Contents: Role of the budget in macroeconomic regulation; Budget revenues; Budget expenses; Other sources of revenue of the federal budget and specific budget funds; Organization of the budget process. | |
| | Code: 020100 Pimanov, A.V., Deviatov, S.V., Pavlov, V.V., Zhiliaev, V.I Opalennye Vlast`iu
[ Burned by power : ] Moscow: Eksmo; Algoritm, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 18.20 | Aleksei Pimanov, the host of the TV show "Kreml`-9" collected several stories about the CPSU leaders and their struggle for power: Chisto Partiinoe Ubiistvo: Sergei Kirov; Viacheslav Molotov; Viacheslav Molotov: Arest Zheny i Opala; Lavrentii Beriia: Ryvok k Vlasti; Lavrentii Beriia: Ot Aresta do Rasstrela; Okhota na Marshala: Georgii Zhukov; Zagovor protiv Khrushcheva; Puli dlia Brezhneva; Dvortsovye Tainy Vremen L. | |
| | Code: 016557 Rukovoditeli Sankt-Peterburga
[ City authorities of St. Petersburg : ] St. Petersburg-Moscow: Neva, OLMA-PRESS, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 34.00 | This handbook includes biographical sketches of the top political leaders of St. Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad-St. Petersburg in all branches of power: political, executive, legislative, military and security, cultural and spiritual in last three hundred years. | |
| | Code: 005127 Kongress Demokraticheskikh Sil Kazakhstana: 3-4 Dekabria 1998 g 3-4 Dekabria 1998 g. [ Congress of democratic movements of Kazakhstan : December 3-4, 1998 ] Moscow: [n/p], 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 13.00 | The minutes of the congress of political organizations that are in democratic opposition to the current government in Kazakhstan. The congress took place in Moscow under the leadership of Akezhan Kazhegeldin, the former prime-minister of Kazakhstan. | |
| | Code: 020807 Bashlachev, V.A Demografiia: Russkii Proryv Nezavisimoe Issledovanie [ Demography: The Russian breakdown : Independent investigation ] Moscow: Belye Al’vy, 2006 Language: Russian | Price: $ 11.00 | This brochure is about the tragic dying out of the people of Russia. According to the author, the nation loses about one million every year. The book includes a lot of interesting detailed statistics and a social program for dealing with this demographic catastrophe. | |
| | Code: 011360 Maksimov, V.I et al Slovar` Perestroiki
[ Dictionary of Perestroika : ] St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 1992 Language: Russian | Price: $ 21.00 | Dictionary of words and expressions introduced into the Russian language during the Soviet period of Perestroika, 1985-92. Each entry has an example of use from periodicals. | |
| | Code: 013573 Elektoral`naia Politilogiia Teoriia i Opyt Rossii [ Electoral political science : Theory and the Russian experience ] St. Petersburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 1998 Language: Russian | Price: $ 18.00 | This is a publication on the actual problems of the electoral process in Russia, theory and methodology, political culture and behavior, technology and statistics. Most of the works are based on analysis of the 1997/1998 federal and local elections. | |
| | Code: 009435-2 Mezhnatsional`nye Otnosheniia v Rossii i SNG Vyp. 2 [ International relations in Russia and NIS : Vyp. 2 ] Moscow: Auro-XX, 1995 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.50 | This book contains presentations given at the Moscow Carnegie Center seminar in 1994-95 under auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Table of contents and abstract in English. | |
| | Code: 009827 Zen`kovich, N Vozhdi na Mushke
[ Leaders in sights : ] Minsk: Polymia, 1996 Language: Russian | Price: $ 29.00 | This book is a documentary study of the major terrorist acts against Russian leaders: Lenin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, El`tsun, and Masherov. | |
| | Code: 003956 Sovremennaia Politicheskaia Istoriia Rossii: 1985-1998. V 2-kh Tomakkh
[ Modern political history of Russia: 1985-1998 : ] Moscow: RAU-Korporatsiia, 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 144.00 | Volume 1, Chronicle and Analytics (ISBN 5860141183), contains a detailed chronicle of Russian political life as well as events from international life connected to Russia. Volume two, Personalities (ISBN 586014119x), is the most complete biographical handbook of the best known Russian individuals. | |
| | Code: 004277 Tainy Komnaty 206
[ Mysteries of room 206 : ] Moscow: Literaturnaia Gazeta, 1998 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | Literaturnaia Gazeta enjoyed a huge popularity in Russia for many years. The editorial team of the newspaper started in 1991, the year of deep shifts in the political environment, a new genre of collective interviews, when a team of journalists met with the key personalities of Russian society. | |
| | Code: 010448-S1 Natsional`naia Bezopasnost` Rossii Real`nost` i Perspektivy [ National Security : Realities and perspectives ] Moscow: Klub "Realisty", 1996 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.50 | This collection contains presentations made at the conference on national security organized by the Club "Realists" with the World Russian People`s Convention. | |
| | Code: 002047-2 O Sotsial`no-Ekonomicheskom Polozhenii Respubliki Tadzhikistan
[ On the social and economic situation in Tadzhikistan : ] Moscow: Panorama, 1994 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This material is a publication of a secret report about the economy of Tadzhikistan for the first nine months of 1994. The report was prepared by the vice-minister of economics, A. Sufiev | |
| | Code: 019399 Piatkov, D.V Uchastie Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Sub`ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii i Munitsipal`nykh Obrazovanii v Grazhdanskikh Pravootnosheniiakh Na Primere Razgranicheniia Publichnoi Sobstvennosti [ Participation of the Russian Federation, the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Municipal Formations in Civil Legal Relations: Exemplified by Delimitation of Public Ownership : Na Primere Razgranicheniia Publichnoi Sobstvennosti ] St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 37.00 | This monograph examines rules and principles of participation of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the RF and municipal formations in civil legal relations. It develops a detailed concept of the phenomenon in domestic law of delimitation of public ownership, proposes ways to solve many general legal and inter-branch problems resulting from participation of the RF, its subjects and municipal formations in legal relations (civil, administrative, financial, etc. | |
| | Code: 018089 Molchanov, N.N Petr I
[ Peter the First : ] Moscow: Eksmo, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.50 | This new biography of Russian Tsar Peter the First focuses on his diplomatic achievements and strategy: he overcame the resistance of all of Europe, prevented all attempts at creating anti-Russian coalitions in wars, and built effective relations with many European and Russian politicians. | |
| | Code: 011804 Volobuev, O.V. et al Politicheskaia Istoriia Rossiia-SSSR-Rossiiskaia Federatsiia [ Political history : Russia - USSR - Russian Fedaration ] Moscow: TERRA, 1996 Language: Russian | Price: $ 39.00 | This book is a systematic analysis of the political history of Russia. It is prepared by the Russian Independent Institute of Social and National problems. Vol. I covers the period from the birth of Russia to the early 20th century. | |
| | Code: 009077 Sogrin, V Politicheskaia Istoriia Sovremennoi Rossii 1985-1993 : Ot Gorbacheva do El`tsina [ Political history of modern Russia : 1985-1993 : From Gorbachev to Eltsin ] Moscow: Progress-Akademiia, 1994 Language: Russian | Price: $ 15.00 | This book covers the recent political history of Russia and the former USSR. It is based on a cycle of lectures given at Moscow State University, Pennsylvania University and Columbia University. The author is the chief editor of the leading Russian political journal "Obshchestvennye Nauki i Sovremennost`". | |
| | Code: 020008 Kurginian, S.E., Autenshlius, B.P., Goncharovym, P.S. et al Postperestroika Kontseptual`naia Model` Razvitiia Nashego Obshchestva, Politicheskikh Partii i Obshchestvennykh Org. [ Post-Perestroika : Conceptual Model of the Development of Society, Political Parties, and Organizations ] Moscow: Izd-vo Politicheskoi Literatury, 1990 Language: Russian | Price: $ 18.00 | This book analyzes the structure of political forces in the post-perestroika era. It describes probable scenarios for a crisis situation | |
| | Code: 026514 Vlast`-2010: 60 Biografii
[ Power-2010: 60 biographies : ] Moscow: Tsentr "Panorama", 2010 Language: Russian | Price: $ 14.00 | This is a collection of analytical biographies of sixty politicians, representing various levels and groups of the Russian administrative elite. The compilers trace the political past, clans, clientele and coalitions of the personalities included in this handbook. | |
| | Code: 002047-1 Prezidentskie Vybory v Tadzhikistane
[ Presidential Elections in Tadzhikistan : ] Moscow: Panorama, 1994 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.50 | C | |
| | Code: 003090-24 Rasy i Narody. Ezhegodnik. 1997 Vypusk 24. Sovremennye Etnicheskie i Rasovye Problemy [ Races and nations: Yearbook: 1997. : Volume 24. Current ethnic and racial problems. ] Moscow: Nauka, 1997 Language: Russian | Price: $ 21.00 | This volume contains the materials of the international conference "Democracy and Minorities in Post-totalitarian Countries" (Moscow, 1993). The main questions raised at the conference are: the minority as an ethnic community, ethnic consciousness, national policy in the Russian Federation, Siberian regionalism, democracy in divided societies, harmonization of interfaith relations, ethnic minorities as a subject and object of law, national parties and minorities, minorities in Russia (present situation, national minorities and conflict situations). | |
| | Code: 003090-25 Rasy i Narody: Ezhegodnik 1998 Vypusk 25. Sovremennye Etnicheskie i Rasovye Problemy [ Races and nations: Yearbook: 1998 : Volume 25. Current ethnic and racial problems. ] Moscow: Nauka, 1998 Language: Russian | Price: $ 24.00 | This collected work contains the following articles: Features of ethnic and cultural development of Russians in regions of mixed settlement with Ukrainians; A History of village settlements in the central regions of the Russian North (12th-20th Centuries); Ethnic and cultural relations of Russians in the European North with the other ethnic groups (based on folk art); Motherhood and mothers` education in Russian families in the 18th to early 19th century; Family customs and rituals among Russian in Viru (Estonia), 1989-1990; The Issue of marriage in the acts of the Vologda Orthodox consistorium; The day of the patron saint in the world outlook of the Orthodox peasant; Fasting in the traditional nutrition of Russians in the 19th C. | |
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