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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Literary Theory and Criticism / History of Literature

Total records: 28
[ 1 ]
Code: 010860
Vertlib, E
Vasilii Shukshin i Russkoe Dukhovnoe Vozrozhdenie

[ Vasilii Shukshin i Russkoe Dukhovnoe Vozrozhdenie : ]
New York (NY): Effect Publishing, 1990
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This book is an artistic biography of the Russian writer, director, and actor Vasilii Shukshin (1929-1974).
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Code: 010859
Vertlib, E.A
1812 God u Pushkina i Zagoskina
K Voprosu ob Istorii Russkogo Samosoznaniia

[ 1812 in the works of Pushkin and Zagoskin : About Russian self-conciousness ]
New York (NY): Effect Publishing, 1990
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
Evgenii Vertlib is a Russian scholar, writer, and poet who lives in Germany. This book is a study of Russian self-identity in the works of two contemporaries A. Pushkin and M. Zagoskin. Includes bibliographic references.
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Code: 029644
XX Vek: Tridtsatye Gody: Sbornik Statei

[ 20th century: The 30`s: Collected articles : ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriia, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 46.00
Contents: SSSR i Evropa: Sovetskii "kulturnyi proekt" tridtsatykh godov; Kak bylo organizovano izdanie sovremennoi perevodnoi literatury v sovetskoi Rossii v kontse 1920-kh - pervoi polovine 1930-kh godov (na materiale deiatelnosti leningradskogo kooperativnogo izdatelstva "Vremia"); "Pisatel-fashist v kommunisticheskoi Moskve: vizit Pera Drie la Roshelia, etc.
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Code: 003031-02
E.A. Solov`ev. Karamzin; A.M. Skabichvskii. Pushkin; A.N. Annenskaia. Gogol`; V.D. Smirnov. Aksakovy; E.A. Solov`ev. Dostoevskii
Biograficheskie Ocherki

[ Biographical essays : Biograficheskie Ocherki ]
Cheliabinsk: Ural LTD, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
This volume consists of five biographical essays: E.A. Solov`ev. Karamzin; A.M. Skabichvskii. Pushkin; A.N. Annenskaia. Gogol`; V.D. Smirnov. Aksakovy; E.A. Solov`ev. Dostoevskii. Supplements include essays about the authors by Iu.
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Code: 027481
Goncharov, I.A
I.A. Goncharov. Sobranie Sochinenii v Shesti Tomakh

[ Collected works in 6 volumes : ]
Moscow: Knigovek, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 147.00
Collected works of the Russian classic writer Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891): Volume 1: Obyknovennaia istoriia: Roman v dvukh chastiakh. Volume 2: Fregat "Pallada": Ocherki puteshestviia v dvukh tomakh.
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Code: 006262
Publitsistika Russkogo Zarubezh`ia: 1920-1945
Sbornik Statei

[ Current writing by Russian writers abroad: 1920-1945 : Sbornik Statei ]
Moscow: Soiuzpoligrafprom, Fakul`tet zhurnalistiki MGU, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
The different political and religious groups of Russian ?migr?s published over 3,000 newspapers and magazines. The introduction by two professors of journalism at Moscow University gives a short description of the main streams of Russian current writing in 1920-1945.
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Code: 005318-2
Slovar` Russkikh Pisatelei XVIII Veka
Vyp. 2. (K-P)

[ Dictionary of Russian Writers of the 18th century : Volume 3 ]
: Nauka, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
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Code: 009676-07
Biograficheskii Al`manakh: 7

[ Faces: Biographical almanac: 7 : Biograficheskii Al`manakh: 7 ]
Moscow-St. Petersburg: Feniks-Athenium, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This almanac includes biographical materials on the women writers A. Damanskaia, A. Mar, N. Sanzhar`, and L. Stolitsa. Others covered include A. Belyi, A. Blok, Ivanov, Razumnik, M. Voloshin, A. Akhmatova, and K.
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Code: 010655
Iz Tvorcheskogo Naslediia Russkikh Pisatelei XX Veka
M. Sholokhov, A. Platonov, L. Leonov

[ From the artistic legacy of Russian writers of the 20th century : M. Sholokhov, A. Platonov, L. Leonov ]
St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This book includes manuscripts of "Tikhii Don" by M. Sholokhov, the story "Stroiteli Strany" and a play "Golos Ottsa" by A. Platonov. L. Leonov`s letters to V.A. Kovalevu (1948-1993). All publications are provided with introductions and commentaries by the staff of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskii Dom).
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Code: 004424
Kontrapunkt: Russkaia Literatura
Vzgliad iz Ameriki

[ Kontrapunkt : Russian literature, a view from America ]
Brookline, MA: Kontrapunkt, 1999-2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.10
From its very beginning the magazine is a good source of information about and a guide into a world of contemporary Russian literature and the arts. It contains original works by contemporary Russian authors, as well as review of books, magazines, films, and art exhibitions.
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Code: 013685
Nemzer, Andrei
Literaturnoe Segodnia
O Russkoi Proze: 90-e

[ Literary today : On Russian prose of 1990s ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 30.00
This is a book of critical essays about Russian literature of the 1990s that were published mostly in the so-called "thick" literary journals "Nezavisimaia Gazeta" and "Segodnia".
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Code: 003944
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin i Russkaia Satira XVIII-XX Vekov

[ M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and Russian satire of the 18th-20th centuries : ]
Moscow: Nasledie, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This collected work studies the traditions of Russian satire laid down by Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889).
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Code: 010951-00
Pamiatniki Kul`tury: Novye Otkrytiia: Pis`mennost`. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiia
Ezhegodnik 2000

[ Monuments of Culture: New Discoveries: Literacy. Arts. Archeology. Annual. 2000 : Ezhegodnik 2000 ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 48.00
This new volume of the annual contains the most recent results in the theory and history of the art, archaeology, and philology of Russia. Bibliography. Summary and contents in English. Volumes for 1994-1997 and standing order are available.
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Code: 005883
O Nichtozhestve Literatury Russkoi: Sb. Statei

[ On the lowliness of Russian literature: Collected articles : ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.50
The title of this book is taken from Pushkin’s unfinished article on the idea of an antagonism between literature and politics. This sketch is followed by other works on the relationship between the two forces: Dostoevskii’s “Pushkin”, two pieces on art by L.
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Code: 019031
Lekmanov, Oleg
O Trekh Akmeisticheskikh Knigakh

[ On three Acmeic books : ]
Moscow: Intrada, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
Oleg Lekmanov (b. 1967), a professor of philology, is the author of the first biography of Osip Mandelshtam and many works on Russian Acmeism. This book continues his studies of this literary movement and contains his analysis of the three poetical books: "Dikaia Porfira" by Mikhail Zenkevich (1912); "Aliluiia" by Vladimir Narbut (1912); "Kamen`" by Osip Mandelshtam (1913).
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Code: 010516
Mogilianskii, A.P
Zhizn` i Tvorchestvo

[ Pisemskii : Life and works ]
St. Petersburg: [n/p], 1991
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This is the first monograph about the Russian writer Aleksei Pisemskii (1821-1881), who became widely known after his ideological conflict with the editor of the democratic journal "Sovremennik" in 1862.
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Code: 003859
Samizdat Veka

[ Samizdat of the century : ]
: Polifakt, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 139.00
Special price: $ 119.00
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Code: 003600-4
Ivanov, Viacheslav Vs
Viach. Vs. Ivanov. Izbrannye Trudy po Semiotike i Istorii Kul`tury
Tom IV: Semiotika Kul`tury, Iskusstva, Nauki

[ Selected works on semiotics and history of culture : Volume IV: Semiotics of culture, art, and science ]
Moscow: Iazyki Russkoi Kul`tury, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This is the fourth volume of Ivanov`s selected works. The previous three volumes published in 1998, 2000, 2004 are also available. Viacheslav Ivanov (b. 1929), is the son of writer Vsevolod Ivanov, a linguist (ancient Eastern languages), historian of literature and culture, poet and writer, director of the Institute of World Culture of Moscow State University, and professor of Russian culture at the University of California at Los Angeles.
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Code: 003600-2
Ivanov, Viacheslav Vs
Viach. Vs. Ivanov. Izbrannye Trudy po Semiotike i Istorii Kul`tury
Tom II: Stat`i o Russkoi Literature

[ Selected works on semiotics and history of culture : Volume two: Articles about Russian literature ]
Moscow: Iazyki Russkoi Kul`tury, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
This is the second volume of Viacheslav Vs. Ivanov`s selected works. Includes cycles of articles about Russian writers and poets: A. Akhmatova, A. Belyi, M. Bulgakov, N. Gogol`, N. Gumilev, V. Khlebnikov, O.
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Code: 003600-5
Ivanov, Viach. Vs. (Viacheslav Vsevolodovich)
Viach. Vs. Ivanov. Izbrannye Trudy po Semiotike i Istorii Kul`tury
Tom V: Mifologiia i Fol`klor

[ Selected works on semiotics and history of culture : Volume V: Mythology and folclore ]
Moscow: Znak, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This is the fifth volume of Ivanov`s selected works. The previous three volumes published in 2000, 2004, and 2007 are also available. Viacheslav Ivanov (b. 1929), is the son of writer Vsevolod Ivanov, a linguist (ancient Eastern languages), historian of literature and culture, poet and writer, director of the Institute of Theory and History of World Culture of Moscow State University, and professor of Russian culture at the University of California at Los Angeles.
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Code: 018461
Suvorov, A.V
Fedor Ivanovich Tiutchev
Kratkaia Letopis` Zhizni i Tvorchestva. Dokumenty i Vospominaniia Sovremennikov. Iz Tiutcheviany…

[ Short chronicle of life and works. Documents and memoirs of contemporaries… : Kratkaia Letopis` Zhizni i Tvorchestva. Dokumenty i Vospominaniia Sovremennikov. Iz Tiutcheviany… ]
Moscow: Russkii Mir, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
This book is a collection of biographical materials about the renowned Russian poet and statesman Fedor Tiutchev (1803-1873). This volume includes memoirs of his contemporaries, biographical materials and articles about him, and verses in his memory of the last century.
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Code: 013733
Schast`e Literatury"
Gosudarstvo i Pisateli. 1925-1938 gg.: Dokumenty

[ The "Happiness" of literature : State and writers. Documents of 1925-1938. ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
In 1949 the then prominent journalist A. Krivitski said “Literature is part of the state in the Soviet Union, and I believe, that is its good fortune”. This sentence illustrates the position of literature from the mid 1920s to the late 1980s.
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Code: 010991
Istoriia Russkoi Perevodnoi Khudozhestvennoi Literatury
Drevniaia Rus`. XVII Vek

[ The History of Russian Translated Literature: Old Russia. The 18th Century : Drevniaia Rus`. XVII Vek ]
St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 1995-1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 67.50
Vol. I Prose. Vol. II. Drama. Poetry. 1996. This book was prepared by the Institute of World Literature (Pushkinskii Dom). It analyzes the genesis of translated literature, translation principles and its connection to original Russian literature.
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Code: 009703
Propp, V. Ia
Morfologiia Skazki

[ The Morphology of tales : ]
St. Petersburg: [n/p], 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is a reprint of a book from the series "Voprosy Poetiki" published by the State Institute of Art History in 1928 in Leningrad. V. Propp is a well known scholar in the history of folklore. Provided with comments and bibliographic references.
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Code: 011476
Khazanov, Boris
Mif Rossiia
Opyt Romanticheskoi Politologii

[ The Myth of Russia : Essay of romantic politics ]
New York (NY): Liberty, 1986
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
The author, a former soviet dissident and prisoner, studies the major soviet ideological dogmas and political realities which constitute the myth called "Russia".
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Code: 019062
Iur`eva, L.M
Russkaia Antiutopiia v Kontekste Mirovoi Literatury

[ The Russian anti-utopia in the context of the world literature : ]
Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
The last monograph of L.M. Iur`eva (1925-2002) deals with the anti-utopian component in the works by Evg. Zamiatin, M. Bulgakov and Andrei Platonov. The author compares their works with other anti-utopias in world literature (A.
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Code: 016134
Nasedkin, N.N
Samoubiistvo Dostoevskogo
Tema Suitsida v Zhizni i Tvorchestve Pisatelia

[ The Suicide of Dostoevskii : The Theme of suicide in the writer`s works ]
Moscow: Algoritm, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
As we know, Dostoevskii did not commit suicide, but yet, according to the author of this book, he did it many times in his mind. This is why, continues Nasedkin, the theme of suicide often comes up in Dostoevskii`s works.
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Code: 013227
Tendentsiia Internatsionalizatsii v Sovremennykh Slavianskikh Literaturnykh Iazykakh

[ The Tendency toward internationalization in modern Slavic literary languages : ]
Moscow: In-t slavianovedeniia i balkanistiki RAN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This collected work studies one of the sociolingual problems of modern language development. It interprets the phenomenon of linguistic internationalization and describes its various manifestations in vocabularies and word-formation patterns of modern Slavic literary languages.
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