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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Social History

Total records: 165
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ]
Code: 025018
Solomon, Peter N
Sovetskaia Iustitsiia pri Staline
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod

[ Sovetskaia Iustitsiia pri Staline : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is the first complex study on the history of criminal justice, jurisprudence, system of courts and prosecution in Soviet Russia in 1920-1950s. Name index. Bibliographical references.
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Code: 017148
Fitspatrik, Sheila (Fitzpatrick, Sheila)
Stalinskie Krest`iane
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Derevnia

[ Stalinskie Krest`iane : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Derevnia ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
The winter of 1929-1930 was the beginning of the government campaign of forced collectivization in the agrarian sector in the USRR. This work by the American historian Sheila Fitspatrik is about various strategies of resistance the Russian peasantry found to survive and even gain some advantage.
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Code: 023973
Kelli, Katriona (Kelly, Catriona)
Tovarishch Pavlik
Vzlet i Padenie Sovetskogo Mal`chika-Geroia

[ Tovarishch Pavlik : Vzlet i Padenie Sovetskogo Mal`chika-Geroia ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
The story of the soviet boy-hero Pavlik Morozov created by official propaganda and later literature is very much different from the real story of the Morozov family and in particular their son Pavlik. The author studies the history of the myth and its propagandistic role in the history of collectivization in the Ural villages in early 1930s.
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Code: 017148B
Fitspatrik, Sheila (Fitzpatrick, Sheila)
Stalinskie Krest`iane
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Derevnia

[ Stalinskie Krest`iane : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Derevnia ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
The winter of 1929-1930 was the beginning of the government campaign of forced collectivization in the agrarian sector in the USRR. This work by the outstanding American historian Sheila Fitzpatrick is about various means of resistance that the Russian peasantry found to survive and even gain some advantage.
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Code: 001145B
Fitspatrik, Sheila (Fitzpatrick, Sheila)
Povsednevnyi Stalinizm
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod

[ Povsednevnyi Stalinizm : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, Fond B.N. El`tsina, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This is the second edition of the Russian translation of the study of everyday life in Stalin`s Russia of the 1930s. The author, a professor at the University of Chicago, portrays a new social type born of this time, homo soveticus, for whom Stalinism was a natural habitat.
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Code: 001145
Fitspatrik, Sheila (Fitzpatrick, Sheila)
Povsednevnyi Stalinizm
Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod

[ Povsednevnyi Stalinizm : Sotsial`naia Istoriia Sovetskoi Rossii v 30-e Gody: Gorod ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This is the first Russian translation of the study of everyday life in Stalin`s Russia of 1930s. The author, a professor at the University of Chicago, portrays a new social type born of this time, homo soveticus, for whom Stalinism was a natural habitat.
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Code: 021772
Ilizarov, B. S. (Boris Semenovich)
I Slovo Voskreshaet... Ili "Pretsedent Lazaria"
25 Tezisov i Razvernutoe Dopolnenie k Svetskoi Teorii Voskresheniia : Po Materialam Narodnogo Arkhiva

[ "And a word brings back to life... or "The Precedent of Lazarus" : 25 Theses and detailed supplement to a secular theory of resurrection: According to materials of the People`s Archives ]
Moscow, St. Petersburg: Letnii sad, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book deals with a secular theory of resurrection. It is based on personal documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, etc.) of ordinary people. The author, a professional historian, one of the sponsors of the bill "On Archives and Archival Fonds", collected personal documents from "The People’s Archive" which help to reconstruct an image of people who passed away, their values, troubles, joys, personal stories.
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Code: 032209
Izmozik, V.S
Chernye Kabinety"
Istoriia Rossiiskoi Perliustratsii. XVIII - Nachalo XX veka

[ "Black rooms": The History of Russian perlustration XVIII - ealy XX centuries : Istoriia Rossiiskoi Perliustratsii. XVIII - Nachalo XX veka ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
The secret department of the St. Petersburg Post Office was called The Black Room. There many official and personal letters and documents of important people were secretly inspected and delivered through this office during the reigns of Catherine the Great, Pavel the First, and Aleksandr the First.
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Code: 025751
Timofeeva, T.Iu
My Zhili Obychnoi Zhizn`iu?": Sem`ia v Berline v 30-40-e gg. XX v.

[ "Did we live an ordinary life?": The family in Berlin in the 1930s-1940s : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This monograph studies the life of middle-class families in Berlin in 1933-1945. It analyzes the influence of National Socialism on family and private life. The book is based on archival documents, memoirs and interviews.
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Code: 015313
Orlov, I.B., Pakhomov, S.A
Riazhenye Kapitalisty" na NEPovskom Prazdnike Zhizni

[ "Dressed up capitalists" at the NEPian festival of life : ]
Moscow: Sobranie, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book is about the role of new bourgeoisie in the heterogeneous Russian society of the 1920s. How did they survive and succeed in this society? What did other social groups think about the "nepmen"? The authors destroy myths about "dressed up capitalists" and portray them based on archival materials and media of that period of time, including satirical periodicals.
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Code: 026212
Belova, A.V
"Chetyre Vozrasta Zhenshchiny"
Povsednevnaia Zhizn` Russkoi Provintsial`noi Dvorianki XVIII - Serediny XIX vv.

[ "Four ages of a woman" : Daily life of a provincial noblewoman in the XVIIIth - the XIXth centuries ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 46.00
This book analyzes the daily life of a provincial noblewoman using methods of several disciplines. The study relies heavily on personal documents, such as women’s letters, memoirs, diaries, which help to understand history through eyes of a Russian noblewomen in the 18th – 19th centuries.
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Code: 028688
Zhuravlev, S.V
Malen`kie Liudi" i "Bol`shaia Istoriia"
Inostrantsy Moskovskogo Elektrozavoda v Sovetskom Obshchestve 1920-1930-kh gg.

[ "Little people" and "Big history" : Foreigners of the Moscow Electric Works and soviet society 1920-1930s ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book is about a foreign colony of the Moscow plant "Elektrozavod", their role and adaptation in 1930s. It was the time when Russia sent their young people to study abroad and invited specialists from the capitalist countries.
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Code: 030858
Vas`kin, A.A
Moskva, Spalennaia Pozharom": Pervoprestol`naia v 1812 Godu

[ "Moscow scorched by fire": The capital in 1812 : ]
Moscow: Sputnik+, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.00
This book is about the life of Moscow during the 1812 Russian-Napoleonic war. It tells how the city prepared for the war, and how it was unexpectedly given up to Napoleon. The author describes the forced great fire in Moscow, life in occupation, looting and violence of the French army, ravaging Orthodox churches and estates.
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Code: 028777-4
Guliai Tam, Gde Vse"
Istoriia Sovetskogo Detstva: Opyt i Perspektivy Issledovaniia

[ "Play where other children play" : The History of the soviet childhood: Experience and prospects for studies ]
Moscow: RGGU, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This book is the fourth and final installment of the materials of the international academic conference "The History of Childhood as an Object of Research" (2009). This field of study was initiated by the publication of the famous work by Ph.
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Code: 026900
Sovetskoe Nasledstvo"
Otrazhenie Proshlogo v Sotsial`nykh i Ekonomicheskikh Praktikakh Sovremennoi Rossii

[ "Soviet legacy" : Reflections on the past in the social and economic practices of contemprary Russia ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 41.00
This collective monograph shows the policy management succession in soviet and post-soviet Russia. The contributors show the continuity between economic, political, and cultural practices of the everyday life of the recent past and the most recent (stagnated) period.
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Code: 011642
Kadesnikov, N
Kratkii Ocherk Beloi Bor`by pod Andreevskim Flagom

[ A brief essay on the White war under the flag of St. Andrew : ]
Moscow: Andreevskii Flag, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
The book is about White army war as the Imperial Russian Navy in 1917-1922 by one the its participants. It is based on memoirs, and Russian and foreign press accounts.
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Code: 004797-1
Sadkovich, Nikolai
Letopis` Stareishei Moskovskoi Shkoly: Chast` I
Pansion Del`salei: 1795-1880

[ A Chronicle of the oldest Moscow school: Part one : Del`sal` boarding school: 1795-1880 ]
Moscow: Novyi khronograf, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 17.00
This book-album is about the history of the Del`sal` boarding school (1795-1880). Filipp-August Delsal came to Russia with his wife and eleven children in 1765, one of them became the founder of a boarding school for children of the nobility.
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Code: 031248
Sherikh, Dmitrii
Agoniziruiushchaia Stolitsa
Kak Peterburg Protivostoial Semi Strashneishim Epidemiiam Kholery

[ Agonizing capital : How St. Petersburg resisted seven tremendous cholera epidemics ]
Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
St. Petersburg has survived seven cholera epidemics during its history. This book is about how the epidemics changed the life style and rhythm of city dwellers, what kind of precautions they took, the city chronicle of these periods.
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Code: 024116
Iushkova, Anastasiia
Aleksandr Igmand: "Ia Odeval Brezhneva..."

[ Aleksandr Irmand: "I dressed Brezhnev..." : ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Aleksandr Danilovich Irmand, a legendary Russian couturier, many years dressed Leonid Brezhnev, the main dandy of the USSR, and his circle. This book is his memoir about how soviet fashion was created and how the professionals in this industry fought against the system.
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Code: 016300
Anarkhiia Rabotaet
Primery iz Istorii Rossii

[ Anarchy works : Examples from Russian history ]
Moscow: Common place, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This book is an anthology of classic texts on local self-government, autonomous communes and the anti-anarchist movement in Russia. The compilers collected the most interesting examples of attempts of people to stand apart from the government, to live in communes in the principles of solidarity and mutual help: Old Believers, Tolstoy followers, Pomors, etc.
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Code: 012038
Razzakov, Fedor
Bandity Vremen Sotsializma/ Bandity Vremen Kapitalizma
Khronika Rossiiskoi Prestupnosti

[ Bandits in the time of socialism/Bandits in the time of capitalism : The Chronicle of Russian crime ]
Moscow: Eksmo, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This book is the only example of work which is trying to summarize data on criminal traditions and the most famous crimes of Russian life under socialism. Vol. 1 "Bandity Vremen Sotsializma" covers 1917-1991, vol.
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Code: 021530
Osnovnye Etapy Formirovaniia Grazhdanskogo Obshchestva v Stranakh Zapadnoi Evropy i Rossii v XIX-XX vv.

[ Basic steps of forming civil society in the countries of Western Europe and Russia in the XIX-XX centuries : ]
Moscow: IVI RAN, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
This book, the first of its kind, analyzes the main steps and specific characteristics of forming civil society in the countries of Western Europe and Russia in the XIX-XX centuries.
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Code: 013726
Za Fasadom "Stalinskogo Izobiliia"
Raspredelenie i Rynok v Snabzhenii Naseleniia v Gody Industrializatsii. 1927 - 1941

[ Beyond the facade of Stalinist abundance : The Role of both redistribution and market in supplying the population in the years of the industrialization ]
: ROSSPEN, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
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Code: 021246
Kolchinskii, E.I
Bioilogiia Germanii i Rossii—SSSR
V Usloviiakh Sotsialno-Politicheskikh Krizisov Pervoi Poloviny XX Veka

[ Biology in Germany and Russia—USSR: Under Conditions of Social-Political Crises of the First Half of the XX Century : V Usloviiakh Sotsialno-Politicheskikh Krizisov Pervoi Poloviny XX Veka ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriia, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
The subtitle of this monograph is "Between Liberalism, Communism and National-Socialism". It is written by a well known historian of science E. Kolchinskii and compares institutional, socio-cultural and politico-ideological factors of the development of biology in Russia and Germany at the end of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries.
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Code: 027857-3
Po Krupitsam
Rossiiskie Shkol`niki ob Istorii XX Veka

[ Bit by bit : Russian students on the history of the twentieth century ]
Moscow: Memorial, Novoe izdatel`stvo, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This is a collection of papers, the winners of the yearly All-Russian historical research competition among senior pupils "Man in the story. Russia - the 20th century". It includes the works for 2011-2013.
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Code: 011270-04
Kazus: Individual`noe i Unikal`noe v Istorii - 2002
Vypusk 4

[ Case 2002: Individual and unique in history : Volume 4 ]
Moscow: RGGU, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.50
This fourth volume of Case 2002 is about the place of a unique individual in history and his happiness. Contents: Happiness and Grief of the Ancient Greeks/ I.S. Sventsitskaia; Name and Happiness in Medieval Flanders / R.
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Code: 011270-06
Kazus: Individual`noe i Unikal`noe v Istorii - 2004
Vypusk 6

[ Case : Individual and unique in history - 2004 : Volume six ]
Moscow: RGGU, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.30
This sixth volume of Case is about the place of a unique individual in history and his happiness. As usual the almanac includes four rubrics: Object as a historical case; The individual case (this time it the case of Joan of Arc); Case of Revolution; Provocation; Misunderstandings.
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Code: 011270-09
Kazus: Individual`noe i Unikal`noe v Istorii - 2007-2009
Vypusk 9

[ Case : Individual and unique in history - 2007-2009 : Volume nine ]
Moscow: RGGU, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
Contents: Cases of the Old Rus: "Askold Chronicle"; How was the Tithe Church in Kiev destroyed?; "H-hour in the Ancient Russian works; Strangers or not?: Vocatio Armenorum..., "The Conversation with selfish ends".
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Code: 029690
Sinova, I.V
Deti v Gorodskom Rossiiskom Sotsiume vo Vtoroi Polovine XIX - Nachale XX v.
Problemy Sotsializatsii, Deviantnosti i Zhestokogo Obrashcheniia

[ Children in the urban Russian socium in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries : Problems of socialization, deviance and brutal treatment ]
St. Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This monograph studies the main trends and deviations in the socialization of children in Russia in 19th - early 20th centuries. The author analyzes various sources on the legal status of children, the state policy on children, the issues of cruelty, exploitation, poverty, begging, crime, suicide, prostitution among youngsters.
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Code: 029553
Kostiukhina, Marina
Detskii Orakul: Po Stranitsam Nastol`no-Pechatnykh Igr

[ Children`s oracle: Review of printed board games : ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
Board games were one of the favorite ways to while away the time in rainy autumn or cold winter in Russian families. The games also helped to teach children history, business, languages and even literature.
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