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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Economic History

Total records: 270
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ]
Code: 029217
Fridmen, D.; Kraus, V. (Jeffrey Friedman, Wladimir Kraus )
Rukotvornyi Finansovyi Krizis
Sistemnye Riski i Proval Regulirovaniia

[ Rukotvornyi Finansovyi Krizis : Sistemnye Riski i Proval Regulirovaniia ]
Moscow: IRISEN, Mysl`, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
The financial crisis has been blamed on reckless bankers, irrational exuberance, government support of mortgages for the poor, financial deregulation, and expansionary monetary policy. Specialists in banking, however, tell a story with less emotional resonance, but a better correspondence to the evidence: the crisis was sparked by the international regulatory accords on bank capital levels, the Basel Accords.
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Code: 028488
Ergin, Deniel (Daniel Yergin)
Dobycha: Vsemirnaia Istoriia Bor`by za Neft`, Den`gi i Vlast`

[ Dobycha: Vsemirnaia Istoriia Bor`by za Neft`, Den`gi i Vlast` : ]
Moscow: Al`pina Pablisher, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 54.00
Special price: $ 49.00
Written by the author of "Shattered Peace" and "Energy Future", this book brings to life the tycoons, wildcatters, monopolists, regulators, presidents, generals and sheiks whose struggle for oil has shaken the world economy, dictated the outcome of wars, transformed the destiny of Britain and the world and profoundly changed all our lives.
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Code: 029751
Malgan, Dzheff (Mulgan, Geoff)
Sarancha i Pchela
Khishchniki i Tvortsy v Kapitalizme Buduschego

[ Sarancha i Pchela : Khishchniki i Tvortsy v Kapitalizme Buduschego ]
Moscow: Izd-vo in-ta Gaidara, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
In an engaging and wide-ranging argument, Mulgan digs into the history of capitalism across the world to show its animating ideas, its utopias and dystopias, as well as its contradictions and possibilities.
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Code: 020800
Kak Krest`ian Delali Otstalymi
Sel`skokhoziaistvennye Kooperativy i Agrarnyi Vopros v Rossii 1861-1914

[ Kak Krest`ian Delali Otstalymi : Sel`skokhoziaistvennye Kooperativy i Agrarnyi Vopros v Rossii 1861-1914 ]
: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
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Code: 014597
Iasnyi, Naum (Jasny, Naum)
Sovetskie Ekonomisty 1920-kh Godov: Dolg Pamiati

[ Sovetskie Ekonomisty 1920-kh Godov: Dolg Pamiati : ]
Moscow: Izd.i dom "Delo" RANKHiGS, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 52.00
This book translated into Russian for the first time provides information on the Soviet economists of the 1917-1931 period who argued an alternative path for socialist planning: Vladimir Groman, Vladimir Bazarov, Abram Ginzburg, Nikolai Kondrat’ev and others.
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Code: 029324
Rolan, Zherar (Gerard Roland)
Ekonomika Perekhodnogo Perioda
Politika, Rynki, Firmy

[ Ekonomika Perekhodnogo Perioda : Politika, Rynki, Firmy ]
Moscow: GU VShE, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
Gerard Roland is a specialist in transition economies, a founder of this new direction of studies. This monograph may be recommended as a new theory of economic and social reform.
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Code: 030580-1
Kembridzhskaia Ekonomicheskaia Istoriia Evropy Noveishego Vremeni
Tom 1. 1700-1870

[ Kembridzhskaia Ekonomicheskaia Istoriia Evropy Noveishego Vremeni : Tom 1. 1700-1870 ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Instituta Gaidara, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
Unlike most existing textbooks on the economic history of modern Europe, which offer a country-by-country approach, The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe rethinks Europe`s economic history since 1700 as unified and pan-European, with the material organised by topic rather than by country.
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Code: 030595
Spens, Mikhail (Michael Spence)
Sleduiushchaia Konvergentsiia: Budushchee Ekonomicheskogo Rosta v Mire, Zhivushchem na Raznykh Skorostiakh

[ Sleduiushchaia Konvergentsiia: Budushchee Ekonomicheskogo Rosta v Mire, Zhivushchem na Raznykh Skorostiakh : ]
Moscow: Isz-vo Instituta Gaidara, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
With the British Industrial Revolution, part of the world’s population started to experience extraordinary economic growth—leading to enormous gaps in wealth and living standards between the industrialized West and the rest of the world.
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Code: 024197
Gelbreit, Dzh.K (Galbraith, John Kenneth)
Velikii Krakh 1929 Goda

[ Velikii Krakh 1929 Goda : ]
Minsk: Popurri, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 17.00
Rampant speculation. Record trading volumes. Assets bought not because of their value but because the buyer believes he can sell them for more in a day or two, or an hour or two. Welcome to the late 1920s.
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Code: 030745
Klark, G. (Clark, Gregory)
Proshchai, Nishcheta!: Kratkaia Ekonomicheskaia Istoriia Mira

[ Proshchai, Nishcheta!: Kratkaia Ekonomicheskaia Istoriia Mira : ]
Moscow: Isz-vo Instituta Gaidara, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
Why are some parts of the world so rich and others so poor? Why did the Industrial Revolution--and the unprecedented economic growth that came with it--occur in eighteenth-century England, and not at some other time, or in some other place? Why didn`t industrialization make the whole world rich--and why did it make large parts of the world even poorer? In A Farewell to Alms, Gregory Clark tackles these profound questions and suggests a new and provocative way in which culture--not exploitation, geography, or resources--explains the wealth, and the poverty, of nations.
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Code: 029681
Allen, Robert C
Ot Fermy k Fabrike: Novaia Interpretatsiia Sovetskoi Promyshlennoi Revoliutsii

[ Ot Fermy k Fabrike: Novaia Interpretatsiia Sovetskoi Promyshlennoi Revoliutsii : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
To say that history`s greatest economic experiment--Soviet communism--was also its greatest economic failure is to say what many consider obvious. Here, in a startling reinterpretation, Robert Allen argues that the USSR was one of the most successful developing economies of the twentieth century.
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Code: 007791
Goriachechnyi i Triumfal`nyi Gorod": Petrograd: Ot "Voennogo Kommunizma k NEPu
Dokumenty i Materialy

[ "Feverish and triumphful city": Petrograd: From "Military Communism" to NEP : Documents and materials ]
St. Petersburg: SPbGU, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is a collection of documents from local archives about the life of Petrograd (St. Petersburg) in 1920-1921, in the transition period from the epoch of "military communism" to the time of the New Economic Policy (NEP).
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Code: 028688
Zhuravlev, S.V
Malen`kie Liudi" i "Bol`shaia Istoriia"
Inostrantsy Moskovskogo Elektrozavoda v Sovetskom Obshchestve 1920-1930-kh gg.

[ "Little people" and "Big history" : Foreigners of the Moscow Electric Works and soviet society 1920-1930s ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book is about a foreign colony of the Moscow plant "Elektrozavod", their role and adaptation in 1930s. It was the time when Russia sent their young people to study abroad and invited specialists from the capitalist countries.
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Code: 015936
Baranov, I.N., et al
Desiatiletie Ekonomicheskikh Reform v Sankt-Peterburge

[ A Decade of economic reforms in St. Petersburg : ]
St. Petersburg: Leont`evskii Tsentr, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.50
The City of St. Petersburg is an independent subject of the Russian Federation thanks not only to its status, but also to its scale of population and economy. This monograph summarizes the economic changes that happened in the last decade.
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Code: 028864
Ivanova, V.I
Drugoi Iusupov: Kniaz` N.B. Iusupov i Ego Vladeniia na Rubezhe XVIII-XIX Stoletii

[ A different Iusupov: Count N.B. Iusupov and his estates at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries : ]
Moscow: Grifon, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This book is about Nikolai Borisovich Iusupov (1751-1831), who is known as a patron and expert of many arts, as the owner of the estate Mikhailovskoe near Moscow. This book presents the other side of this person.
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Code: 019937
Zapiska o Tobol`skoi Kazennoi Palate

[ A Note about the Tobol`sk state house : ]
: SO RAN, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
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Code: 005789
Aleksandrov, Iu.G
Perekhodnaia Ekonomika: Rossiiskaia Versiia

[ A Transition economy: The Russian version : ]
Moscow: Institut Vostokovedeniia RAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This is one of the very first books on recent Russian economic history: from Brezhnev`s "stagnation" through Gorbachev`s drama of perestroika to El`tsin`s market reforms . The author, Dr. of Economics, concludes that the Russian liberal reforms in their first stage failed to create an integrated market economic system based on sustained technological progress and steady economic growth.
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Code: 009655
Rykov, A.I
A.I. Rykov: Izbrannye Proizvedeniia

[ A.I. Rykov: Selected works : ]
Moscow: Ekonomika, 1990
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
Aleksei Rykov (1881-1938) was Lenin`s successor as chairman of the Council of Peoples Commissars (Sovet Narodnykh Komissarov) - the executive branch in 192?. He was one the first Russian politicians who justified the nationalization policy and the concept of a centralized economy ("planovyi tsentralizm").
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Code: 003393
Kanoda, N. N.
Agrarnaia Politika Tsarizma v Turkmenistane (1881 - 1917)

[ Agrarian policy of Tsarism in Turkmenistan: 1881-1917 : ]
Ashgabat: Ylym, 1991
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This monograph deals with the agrarian history of Turkmenistan in the last quarter of existence of Tsarist Russia. It describes government policy in this region, irrigation projects, and includes major statistical indicators of this period.
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Code: 025996
Koroleva, N.G
Khoziaistvenno-Ekonomicheskaia Deiatel`nost` Zemstv v Period Modernizatsii Rossiiskoi Derevni: 1907-1914

[ Agricultural and economic activity of district councils in the period of the Russian village modernization: 1907-1914 : ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 26.00
This book examines the main trends and characteristics of agricultural activity by Russian district councils (zemstvo) to create more favorable conditions for the implementation of large-scale agrarian reforms.
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Code: 030683
Kozlov, S.A
Agrarnaia Modernizatsiia Tsentral`no-Nechernozemnoi Rossii v Kontse XIX - Nachale XX v.
Po Materialam Ekonomicheskoi Pechati

[ Agricultural modernization of central non-chernozem regions of Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries : Based on the materials of the economic press ]
Moscow: IRI RAN, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This book focuses on the key aspects of agricultural modernization in central non-chernozem Russian provinces at the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries: its character, speed, evolution of specialization, reaction of the society and the press to the changes, etc.
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Code: 011127
Agrarnye Tekhnologii v Rossii IX-XX v.v.
Tezisy Dokladov

[ Agricultural technologies in Russia 9th-20th cent. : Proceedings of the conference ]
Moscow: Institut Rossiiskoi Istorii, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book is the proceedings of a conference devoted to the history of agrarian technologies and culture, organizational forms of agriculture in Russia from the 9th century to date.
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Code: 031212-01
Al`manakh Tsentra Issledovanii Ekonomicheskoi Kul`tury Fakul`teta Svobodnykh Iskusstv i Nauk SPbGU
Vyp. 1: 2013

[ Almanac of the Center for the Study of Economic Culture of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University : Issue 1: 2013 ]
Moscow, St. Petersburg: Institut Gaidara -SPbGU, 2013
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 24.00
This is the first volume of the Proceedings of the School of Liberal Arts and Science at the St.-Petersburg State University. The topic of this issue is relations between economics and culture, or correlation between economic organization and the political, cultural and social environment.
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Code: 029398
Shpotov, B.M
Amerikanskii Biznes i Sovetskii Soiuz v 1920-1930-e Gody
Labirinty Ekonomicheskogo Sotrudnichestva

[ American business and the Soviet Union in 1920 - the 1930s : Labyrinths of economic cooperation ]
Moscow: LIBROKOM, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This monograph describes the early period of economic cooperation between the USSR and the USA immediately after reestablishing diplomatic relations. The book is based on archival documents from Russian and American libraries.
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Code: 011808
Anomalii Ekonomicheskogo Rosta

[ Anomalies of economic growth : ]
: Evraziia, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
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Code: 022284
Veluvenkamp, Ian Villem (Eluwenkamp, Jan Willem)
Niderlandskie Predprinimateli v Rossii: 1550-1785

[ Arkhangel`sk : Dutch entrepreneurs in Russia: 1550-1785 ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This historical monograph focuses on Dutch entrepreneurs doing business in Russia in mid 16th-mid 18th centuries. Special attention is paid to several Dutch families and their companies in Moscow and in the Russian North (city of Arkhangelsk).
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Code: 031688
Aver`ianov, V.V.; Venediktov, V.Iu.; Kozlov, A.V
Artel` i Artel`nyi Chelovek

[ Artel and artel people : ]
Moscow: Institut russkoi tsivilizatsii, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
Artel was a voluntary self-organized union of people, workmen`s cooperative association. This book is a collection of studies on the history of the Russian artel as a unique form of work and social relations in the 19th-early 20th centuries.
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Code: 014163
Simonov, N.S
Banki i Den`gi: 1988-2008
Istoricheskie Ocherk

[ Banks and money: 1988-2008 : Historical essays ]
Moscow: RAGS, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
This monograph is about the organizational and political history of the formation the modern banking system in postsoviet Russia: its crises, functions and evolution. (0.515 kg.)
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Code: 001551
Raikhlin, E
Osnovy Ekonomicheskoi Teorii
Ekonomicheskii Rost i Razvitie

[ Basics of economic growth : Economic growth and development ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is the eighth and last book in the series of publications in theoretical and applied economics by E. Raikhlin that was started in 1992. The study does not limit itself to economic topics only, and covers related sociological, political, philosophical, and historical issues.
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Code: 029463
Orlov, I.B.; Markosian, G.M
Vziatka i Bor`ba s Nei v Gody NEPa

[ Bribery and the struggle against it in the years of NEP : ]
Moscow: Printsipium, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This monograph based on rich case studies analyzes the main aspects of bribery in the years of the New Economic Policy (1920s), its factors and reasons, its various types, and the mechanism of the struggle of the state and society against it.
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