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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Family, Marriage, Sex

Total records: 89
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Code: 017173
Rosenthal, Saul M
Seks posle Soroka

[ Seks posle Soroka : ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Instituta Psikhoterapii, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
The book deals expertly with a wide range of issues, including: the viagra revolution; how aging affects erectile function; the various treatments of erection problems, and estrogen replacement after menopause.
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Code: 013574
Engel`shtein, Lora (Engelstein, Laura)
Skoptsy i Tsarstvo Nebesnoe

[ Skoptsy i Tsarstvo Nebesnoe : ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Laura Engelstein, professor of Yale University, describes the everyday life and beliefs of the old Russian sect who made themselves eunuchs for glory of the Heavenly Kingdom. This sect emerged in the 18th century and survived up to the soviet period.
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Code: 029707
Stil, Valeri (Valerie Steele)
Fetish: Moda, Seks i Vlast`

[ Fetish: Moda, Seks i Vlast` : ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
The concept of fetishism has recently assumed a growing importance in critical thinking about the cultural construction of sexuality. Yet until now no scholar with an in-depth knowledge of fashion history has studied the actual clothing fetishes themselves.
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Code: 028777-4
Guliai Tam, Gde Vse"
Istoriia Sovetskogo Detstva: Opyt i Perspektivy Issledovaniia

[ "Play where other children play" : The History of the soviet childhood: Experience and prospects for studies ]
Moscow: RGGU, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This book is the fourth and final installment of the materials of the international academic conference "The History of Childhood as an Object of Research" (2009). This field of study was initiated by the publication of the famous work by Ph.
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Code: 031178
Malysheva, S.Iu
Professionalki", "Arfistki", "Liubitel`nitsy"
Publichnye Doma i Prostitutki v Kazani vo Vtoroi Polovine XIX - Nachale XX Veka

[ "Professionals", "artists", "amateurs" : Parlor houses and prostitution in Kazan in the second half of the 19th to early 20th centuries ]
Kazan`: Kazanskii universitet, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book studies the influence of prostitution on the city everyday life and culture based on archival sources of one of the large Russian cities in the second half of the 19th to the early 20th centuries, the city of Kazan.
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Code: 031947
Okolo Tiur`my
Zhenskie Seti Podderzhki Zakliuchennykh

[ Around the prison : Women`s system of support of prisoners ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This monograph describes the phenomenon of "prisoners` wives" in 20th and 21st centuries, their social status and the care system they created for their husbands or relatives in prison. The author analyzes the sociological data about their families, specifics of partner and gender relations, social networks and activism of women in support of their relatives.
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Code: 003419
Soiunova, A
Rozhdenie i Vospitanie Detei u Turkmen-Gorozhan

[ Birth and upbringing of children in families of Turkmen-city dwellers : ]
Ashgabat: Ylym, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This book deals with the complex of traditions and rituals of giving birth and raising children in Turkmenistan towns and cities. The author compares these traditions with analogous ones of the neighboring people in Central Asia, and draws conclusions about mutual and specific features of the cultural family traditions of the Turkmen.
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Code: 022157
Beschasnaia, A.A
Detstvo: Istoriia i Sovremennost`

[ Childhood: the History and the present : ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor-istoriia, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
This book contains an historico-ethnographic and sociological analysis of the position of children in the Russian society, the main trends in this area, and the disposition of the Russian society toward childhood.
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Code: 024765
Vdovina, M.V
Regulirovanie Mezhpokolencheskogo Konflikta v Rossiiskoi Sem`e

[ Control of intergenerational conflict in the Russian family : ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
The monograph studies the essence, structure, dynamics, functions and malfunctions in the conflict between generations in the Russian family, as well as possible ways of their solution.(0.435 kg.)
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Code: 028530
Disterlo, R.A
Graf L.N. Tolstoi kak Khudozhnik i Moralist: Kriticheskii Ocherk

[ Count Leo Tolstoi as a writer and moralist: Critical essay : ]
Moscow: LIBROKOM, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 20.00
This book characterizes Leo Tolstoi as a writer and thinker. The author is Roman Disterlo (1859-1919), a Russian literary critic and statesman, who describes the main moral ideas of the great writer basing on his analysis of the most famous works by Leo Tolstoi: War and Peace; Anna Karenina; The Death of Ivan Il`ich; Childhood, Boyhood, Youth; Sevastopol Sketches; and Family Happiness.
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Code: 028115
Revun, V.I
Demograficheskaia Politika v Belarusi, Rossii, Ukraine

[ Demographic policy in Belarussia, Russia, and Ukraine : ]
Moscow: Ekon-Inform, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This brochure analyzes the recent strategic decisions that affect demographic policy in Belorussia, Russia, and Ukraine. The author describes the goals, tasks and the steps in their realization. as well as the connections among these programs and special measures of help for families.
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Code: 028643
Kulisher, M.I
Razvod i Polozhenie Zhenshchiny
Zavisimost` Semeinykh Otnoshenii ot Obshchestvennogo Stroia

[ Divorce and the position of women : The dependence of family relations on the social system ]
Moscow: LIBROKOM, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
This is a photo-reprint of the book (1896) by a well known historian, ethnographer and legal scholar M.I. Kulisher (1847-1919). It contains a comparative historical study on the history of divorce and the position of women in several European countries and Russia (0.
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Code: 031129
Eros: Antologiia
Filosofskie Marginalii Professora P.S. Gurevicha

[ Eros: Anthology : Philosophical marginalia of professor P.S. Gurevich ]
Moscow: Kanon+, Reabilitatsiia, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This book is an anthology of stories about love, sex and erotica of all times with an introduction and comments by Russian professor P.S. Gurevich. Among the contributors are S. Zveig, V. Nabokov, N. Berdiaev, V.
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Code: 008819
Dzutsev, Kh.V
Evoliutsiia Osetinskoi Sem`i i Mezhsemeinykh Otnoshenii
Etnosotsiologicheskii Analiz

[ Evolution of Osetin family and interfamily relations : Ethnosociological analysis ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is one of the first studies on the evolution of the Osetian family and family relations. Osetians are a Caucasian nation on the territory of the Russian Federation. This study is a result of several surveys in North Osetia in 1970-1990s.
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Code: 026203
Sem`ia - Velichaishii Dar
Antologiia Proizvedenii Russkikh Pisatelei

[ Family - The greatest gift : Anthology from the works of Russian authors ]
Moscow: Tsentr knigi, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This is a collection of four works by Russian classic writers about the value of family: Childhood of emperor Nicholas II/ Surguchev, Il`ia; The First Love/Turgenev, Ivan; Arhchistrateg/Dal`, Vladimir; God`s summer/Shmelev, Ivan.
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Code: 024890
Sinel`nikov, A.B., Medkov, V.M., Antonov, A.I
Sem`ia i Vera v Sotsiologicheskom Izmerenii
Rezul`taty Mezhregional`nogo i Mezhkonfessional`nogo Issledovaniia

[ Family and faith in a sociological dimension : Results of an interregional and interconfessional survey ]
Moscow: KDU, MGU, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book is based on the results of the sociological project "Religion, Family, Children" conducted by sociologists of the Moscow State University led by A.I. Antonov. Bibliography (156 titles). Instruments and results of survey.
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Code: 001504
Argudiaeva, Iu.V
Sem`ia i Semeinyi Byt u Russkikh Krest`ian na Dal`nem Vostoke Rossii vo Vtoroi Polovine XIX - Nachale XX Veka

[ Family and family life style of Russian peasants in the Far East during the second half of the 19th - early 20th cent. : ]
Vladivostok: Institut Istorii, Arkheologii i Etnografii Narodov Dal`nego Vostoka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This monograph studies the history of the Russian population of the Far North, including communities of Old Believers, their traditions and rituals, life cycle, holidays, and household economy. Special attention is paid to forming families, their structure and typology.
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Code: 026176
Sem`ia i Semeinoe Vospitanie
Kross-Kul`turnyi Analiz na Materiale Rossii i SShA: Rossiisko-Amerikanskii Proekt

[ Family and family training : Based on cross-cultural analysis of Russia and the USA: Russian-American project ]
Moscow: RGSU, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This is result of the joint project of the Russian State Social University and the University of South Carolina, Coastal Carolina Campus "Family and Family education.” It includes articles by Russian and American scholars on the government policy supporting families, family values and reproductive attitudes, the post traditional family, fairness in the family, adopting children, older members of the family, interaction of the family and school, passing on traditions and identity through the family, etc.
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Code: 013905
Sem`ia i Brak
Istoriko-Sotsiologicheskii Analiz

[ Family and Marriage: Historical and sociological analysis : Istoriko-Sotsiologicheskii Analiz ]
: Petropolis, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.00
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Code: 014347
Chernova, Zhanna
Sem`ia Kak Politicheskii Vopros
Gosudarstvennyi Proekt i Praktiki Privatnosti

[ Family as a political issue : Government project and practices of privacy ]
St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii un-t v Sankt-Peterburge, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This monograph offers a gender analysis of the family policy of the Russian government. Contents: Gender culture and institutional design as a matrix of studying family policy; Family policy of postsoviet Russia: from declared gender equality to polarization of roles; Demographic reserve: the young family as an object/subject of family policy; Parenthood in modern Russia: government policy and civil initiatives.
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Code: 011706
Fedianovich, T
Semeinye Obychai i Obriady Finno-Ugorskikh Narodov Uralo-Povolzh`ia
Konets XIX veka- 1980 gody

[ Family traditions and rituals of Finno-Ugor peoples from Ural-Volga Region : Late 19th cent.-1980s ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii RAN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book describes birth, marriage, and burial customs of various Finno-Ugrian peoples. The author points to the adverse influence of education and urbanization on rituals, to modification of rituals, and their current formal use.
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Code: 024486
Gendernoe Ravnopravie v Rossii
Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii, Posviashchennoi 100-Letiiu Pervogo Vserossiiskogo Zhenskogo S`ezda 1908 Goda. 21-23 Marta 2008 Goda. Sankt-Peterburg

[ Gender equality in Russia : The materials of the international scientific conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first Russian Women`s Congress in 1908. March 21-23, 2008. St. Petersburg ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2008
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 27.00
This book contains the materials of the conference “Legal status of women in Russia: yesterday, today, tomorrow”. The conference dealt with the development of a new scientific field – female and gender research studies – their complications and contradictions.
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Code: 018541
Gendernaia Ekspertiza i Zakonodatel`naia Politika

[ Gender investigation and legislative policy : ]
Moscow: Avanti plius, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 63.00
This collection of articles by leading experts and official documents on gender examination of Russian laws is the first of its kind in Russia. This two volume publication prepared by the Institute for Social and Gender Policy and social organization "Femina" covers methodology of gender and social examination of laws as well as results of its application to Russian laws in the following areas: employment and labor, family, reproductive health, private enterprise, safety, demographic growth, etc.
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Code: 026479-19
Gendernye Issledovaniia, No 19 (1/2009)

[ Gender studies, No 19 (1/2009) : ]
Khar`kov: Khar`kovskii tsentr gendernykh issledovanii, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
The eighteenth issue of the series Gender Studies includes the following rubrics: Non-disappearing "past present": Continuation of discussion on the war; Discussion inside the field: Western feminist theory; Discussion inside the field: former the USSR; To continue " to make gender`: National and transnational strategies in the field and their political prospects; etc.
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Code: 030694
Shmidt, Iakov
Bog i Pol: Metafizika Seksa i Smerti

[ God and sex: The metaphysics of sex and death : ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
The book stresses on the sacramental coincidence of psychophysiology factors with dogmas of faith, literary forms with the forms of self-reflection, and other collisions when the God and sex are in constant opposition.
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Code: 006199
Gaagskii Prizyv k Miru: Golos Rossii
Sbornik Materialov

[ Hague Appeal for Peace: Voice of Russia : Sbornik Materialov ]
Moscow: Konsortsium Zhenskikh NPO, Rossiiskii Komitet Zashchity Mira, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Special price: $ 15.00
This is the collection of materials about the 1999 St. Petersburg conference `Hague Appeal for Peace". There several social groups and organizations took part in the conference and brought their agenda for discussion: The Gorbachev Foundation, Conversion and Women, Russian Committee for peace, International Women Center "Geia", Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers, “Peace to Every Family", "Mothers of Chechnya", "Doctors for Prevention of Nuclear War", "Kindness Without Borders", etc.
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Code: 027309-03
Zdorov`e i Intimnaia Zhizn`: Sotsiologicheskie Podkhody
Sbornik Statei

[ Health and intimate life: Sociological approach : Collected articles ]
St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii un-t v Sankt-Peterburge, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This collection studies the intimate life of modern youth in Russia. Rubrics: health and reproductive medicine; sexual health and gender; intimate life of young people. Many materials are based on interviews with people and special cases.
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Code: 027803B
Shashkov, S.S
Istoriia Russkoi Zhenshchiny

[ History of Russian women : ]
Moscow: GPIB, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This is a reprint in modern orthographyof the book by Russian historian, ethnographer and publicist S.S. Shishkov (1841-1882). It studies the history of Russian woman, her position in family, community and society from the birth of Russia to the second half of the 19th century The book is supplemented with up to date bibliographical references.
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Code: 031997
Kruzhnov, Iu.N
Istoriia Kvartirnogo Voprosa v Rossii, ili Kommunalki Navsegda. Zapiski Kvartirnogo Maklera

[ History of the apartment question in Russia, or communals forever. Notes of an apartment broker : ]
St. Petersburg: Serebrianyi vek, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 69.00
Special price: $ 45.00
This book consists of the two works. One of them, The History of the Housing Issue, is about the housing sector in Russia from the end of 17th century to the present. It covers the main issues of this area: distribution of the government housing, exchange, apartment building, communal apartments, private housing, registration (propiska), renting, cooperatives and condominiums, etc.
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Code: 024871
Ivik, Oleg
Istoriia Svadeb

[ History of weddings : ]
Moscow: Tekst, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 26.00
The book describes wedding traditions and rituals of all times and civilizations, including the many ethnic cultures of Russia. It is based on historical documents. (0.315 kg.)
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