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Тематические Каталоги

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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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Shipping Charges

Shipping and handling charges (Effective August 4, 2014)

Note: for multi-volume works, each volume is counted as one book. Shipping for books that weigh more that 1 pound is charged proportionally to the weight of the book.



Media rate: $4.50 for the first book (under 1 lb.) and $1.00 each additional book

Priority mail: $8.00 for the first book (under 1 lb.) and $4.00 each additional book


Priority Mail International:

Canada: $31.00 for the first book and $2.00 for each subsequent book.


All other countries: $44.00 for the first book (under 1 lb.) and $3.00 for each subsequent book.

International First Class

This option is limited in availability. All books in the order must be paperbacks of less than 400 pages. Larger books than that must be shipped international priority. We reserve the right to adjust postage rates depending on the weight of the order. No tracking is available.

Canada: $15.00 for the first book (under 1 lb.), $5.00 each additional. Delivery time is about 10 business days with no guarantee.
All other countries: $21.00 for the first book (under 1 lb.), $6.00 each additional. Delivery time is about 14 business days with no guarantee.



Panorama of Russia guarantees your complete satisfaction with its products. If, for any reason, you feel a product does not meet your expectations, you may return it in good condition within 30 days of receipt for a full refund, not including return postage. If a book is defective we will replace it or, if we cannot replace it, we will refund your money less a 6% processing fee. Note that this policy does not apply to GosKomStat statistical publications, postcards, posters, and may include other, specifically stated cases.

If books are returned from discounted orders, except for damage or defects, the order must remain above the discount limit or the discount terms will change and you will be charged for the difference.


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