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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

Rare Russian Books

Всего записей: 32
[ 1 ][ 2 ]
Города и Архитектура
Москва и Петербург (17)
Код: 011032-1
Романов, Н. С
Летопись Города Иркутска за 1881-1901 гг.

[ Chronicle of the city of Irkutsk 1881-1901 ]
Иркутск: Восточно-Сибирское книжное издательство, 1993
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 45.00
The Siberian city of Irkutsk is the only one which has preserved its chronicles. Nit Romanov wrote the chronicle for 1857-1924. The first part, covering 1857-1880, was published in 1914. Includes commentaries and name index.
Код: 014580
Брюсова, В.Г
Yaroslavl Frescoes XVII - early XVIII

[ Yaroslavl Frescoes XVII - early XVIII ]
Москва: Iskusstvo, 1969
Язык: Russian, English, French and German
 Цена: $ 54.00
The City of Iaroslavl`, founded in the first decade of the eleventh century, now the largest city on the Volga River, is an under appreciated star among old Russian cities. The city was a rich industrial and trade center in the seventeenth century.

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Код: 007169
Мегаполис на Рубеже Веков
Sotsial`no-Ekonomicheskii i Ekologicheskii Aspekty

[ Megalopolis at the turn of the millennium : Social, economic and ecological aspects ]
Москва: ИНИОН РАН, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 12.00
This is a collection of reviews of modern urban studies particularly large agglomerations in Russia and abroad. Among the topics discussed are: formation of the labor force in Moscow and problems of its use; ecological problems in the Moscow megalopolis; state ownership and state regulation of land use.

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Код: 011408
Первое Столетие Сибирских Городов

[ The First Hundred Years of Siberian Cities. 17th Century ]
Новосибирск: Сибирский Хронограф, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 42.00
Collection of 17th century historical documents that can serve as a useful source on the history of Siberian and North-Eastern urban life. The book demonstrates not only the social and professional structure of the urban population, alignment of suburbs, garrison and peasantry, but also the religious concerns of townspeople, their beliefs, social mentality, and mode of the everyday life.
Код: 011365
Щенков, А.С., Вятчанина, Т.Н
Об Иконографии и Тектонике Православного Храма
Opyt Soderzhatel`noi Interpretatsii Arkhitekturnykh Form

[ On the iconography and tectonics of the Russian Orthodox church : Essays on the interpretation of architectural forms ]
Москва: НИИ Теории Архитектуры и Градостроительства, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 13.00
This brochure analyzes the connections between the major characteristics of church architecture and the Russian Orthodox vision of the world and philosophy. Include bibliographic references.
Код: 005461
Сакалон, Н.В
Екология Сибирского Города
Programma I Praktikum dlia Uchashchikhsia Starshikh Klassov

[ Ecology of a Siberian city : Course description and lab exercises for high school students ]
Санкт Петербург: Кузбассвузиздат, 1997
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 9.00
This book includes the course description and exercises for the course "Ecology of a Siberian City".
Код: 008412
Янин, В.Л
Планы Новгорода Великого. XВИИ-XВИИИ Веков

[ Maps of the Great Novgorod of the 17th-18th centuries ]
Москва: Наука, 1999
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 29.00
The City of Great Novgorod, more than a thousand years old, was the center of the Novgorod Republic in the period 1136-1478. Up to 1778 the city kept its old structure and later was redesigned to be similar St.

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Код: 011183
Культовые Здания Петербурга: Указатель Русской Литературы 1717-1917 гг
Obshchii otdel. Pravoslavnye Sobornye i Prikhodskie Tserkvi

[ Peterburg religious buildings: biblioghraphy of Russian literature 1717-1917 : General chapter. Russian Orthodox cathedrals and churches ]
Санкт Петербург: Росийская Национальная Библиотека, 1996-2004
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 72.00
A bibliography of literature about Russian Orthodox churches and other religious buildings in the Russian capital of St. Petersburg, published from 1717 to 1917. Volume one (1996): General chapter: Russian Orthodox cathedrals and churches.

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Код: 001112
Николаева, Т.В
Old Zvenigorod

[ Old Zvenigorod ]
Москва: 1978
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 49.00
Zvenigorod, one of the oldest Russian cities, was founded in the twelfth century. The city had reached its prime by the end of the 14th - first quarter of the 15th century under Prince Iurii as a a capital of his kingdom (kniazhestvo), the youngest son of Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitrii Donskoi.

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Код: 010750-10
Труды Томского Областного Краеведческого Музея
Tom X

[ Proceedings of the Tomsk State Museum of Local History : Volume ten ]
Санкт Петербург: Izdatel`stvo Tomskogo Universiteta, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 24.00
The Tomsk Historical-Architectural Museum has a unique collection of rare documents on the history of Tomsk, its region, and Western Siberia. The museum resumed publication of its proceedings in 1994 after an almost 70 year break (the last volume was published in 1927).
Код: 015598
Андронов, Л.И., ет ал
The Siberian power school

[ The Siberian power school ]
Tomsk: Tomskii Politekhnicheskii Universitet, 2001
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 29.00
This book is about education in field of energy, the history of the power industry, main directions of studies and engineering design in the field in Siberia. The second part of the book is the history of the Tomsk Polytechnical University, its departments and professors in the field of energy.
Код: 002969
Новоселов, Н.В
От Благовещения до Благовещения
Stroitel`noe Proizvodstvo Novgorodskoi Zemli v Period Slozheniia Mestnoi Arkhitekturnoi Shkoly

[ From Annunciation to Annunciation : Construction in the Novgorod land in the period of forming the local architectural school ]
Санкт Петербург: СПГУ, 2002
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 25.00
This monograph studies the forming of the Novgorod architectural school of the 12th-early 13th centuries from the standpoint of construction skill. The work is based on classical works of A. Rappoport and goes further.
Код: 001424
Вагнер, Георгий Карлович

[ Ryazan : Album ]
Москва: Искусство, 1971
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 39.00
This is a book-album about one of the oldest towns of Russia, Ryazan, its architecture and art. Bibliography. 88 illustrations.

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Код: 004754
Город Харбин

[ City of Kharbin: Handbook ]
Санкт Петербург: Dal`Nauka, 1995
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 18.00
City of Kharbin was settled as a base station and headquarters of the Chinese Eastern Railroad (Kitaisko-Vostochnaia zh/d, KZhVd since 1945) which was built by Russia in 1897-1903 on the territory of Manchuria in North-East China.

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Код: 015274
Столичные и Периферийные Города Руси и России в Средние Века и Раннее Новое Время: ХI-XVIII вв.
Doklady Vtoroi Nauchnoi Konferentsii (Moskva, 7-8 Dekabria 1999 g.)

[ Capitals and provincial towns in Russia in the Middle Age and early New Time: 11th-18th CC : Papers of the second conference: Moscow, 1999 ]
Москва: Ин-т Российской Истории, 2001
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
This is the materials of the second conference on Capitals and Provincial Towns in Russia in the Middle Ages and Early Modern: 11th-18th Centuries, which took place in the Institute of Russian History in 1999.

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Код: 003162-5/1
Свод Памятников Архитектуры и Монументального Искусства России
Vladimirskaia Oblast`: V 6-kh Chastiakh: Chast` 1

[ Collection of architecture and sculptural monuments of Russia : Vladimir Oblast: In six parts: Part one ]
Москва: Наука, 2004
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 59.00
This is part one of six of the fifth volume of a multi-volume encyclopedic publication about Russian architectural, landscape, and other artistic ensembles. Vladimir Oblast, a historic center of Russia, has about 15 old towns with a long and rich architectural history.
Код: 027392
Kurcheev, V.S., Sviridov, I.V., Tiugashev, E.A
Homo Urbanus: Megalopolis in the mirror of criminology: Monograph

[ Homo Urbanus: Megalopolis in the mirror of criminology: Monograph ]
Москва: Novosib. gos. un-t, 2009
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 39.00
Analysis of law enforcement and ensuring of public safety in city of Novosibirsk, one of the biggest megapolises of Russia. The collective monograph analyzes the genesis of criminality and juvenile delinquency and includes enormous factual material on the criminal situation in the Siberian megapolis.

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Код: 001181-1
Города Сибири
Vypusk 1

[ Cities of Siberia : Issue 1 ]
Барнаул: Изд-во Алтайского Ун-та, 2001
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 17.00
This collection of works by Siberian scholars deals with the history and demography of the cities and towns of Western Siberia in the 17th-early 20th centuries: their population and structure, economic and social development, city management, everyday life and history.
Код: 009122
Давыдов, З. анд Купченко, В
Крым Максимиляна Волошина

[ The Crimea of Maksimilian Voloshin : Photoalbum ]
Санкт Петербург: Мистецтво, 1994
Язык: Russian and English
 Цена: $ 45.00
Maksimilian Voloshin (1877-1932) was a poet and artist, who spent most of his life in the small town of Koktebel in the Crimea. M. Voloshin established a writers` community with his own house in this place as the base.

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Код: 028961
Small cities in national history 13th -20th centuries

[ Small cities in national history 13th -20th centuries ]
Москва: IRI RAN, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 24.00
This is a collection of articles on the role of small cities and towns in the most difficult periods of Russian history. Contents: O prodolzhitel`nosti Smutnogo vremeni nachala XVII v.; Rol` Kaluzhskoi zemli v diplomaticheskikh sviaziakh Russkogo gosudarstva i Kryma v XVI v.

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Код: 011811
Матвей Федорович Казаков и Архитектура Классицизма

[ Matvei Fedorovich Kazakov and the archictecture of classicism ]
Москва: НИИТАГ, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 39.00
This collected work is devoted to the anniversary of the outstanding Moscow architect M.F. Kazakov (1738-1812). The first chapter is about his works. Part two is about the architecture of his time and about the development of Kazakov`s style and traditions.
Код: 014384
Майничева, А.Ю
Деревянные Церкви Сибири XVII Века
Formy, Simvoly, Obrazy

[ Siberian Wooden Churches: Reality and Symbols ]
Новосибирск: Ин-т Археологии и Этнографии СО РАН, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 9.00
Preservation of the old Siberian wooden churches is part of the religious revival in Russia. Building of a great number of new churches has begun, and communities are seeking for sources and advice on how to follow ancient traditions.
Код: 006800
Nikonova, S.I
Kazan` na Starinnykh Otkrytkakh

[ The City of Kazan in old postcards ]
Санкт Петербург: Светляchок, 1995
Язык: Russian, Tatar, English
 Цена: $ 29.00
Kazan` was one of the largest city in imperial Russia. The history of the city goes back to the 12th century. At that time it was a small frontier fortress in the powerful state of Bulgaria in the Volga region.
Код: 012789
???????, ?
??????????? ? ???? ?????

[ Looking into faces of houses ]
????? ?????????: ?????-??????? ????????????, 1995
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
The city of Viatka (in 1934 renamed Kirov) was founded in 1781 in the Central-European part of the Russian empire. This book is a history of the city, its architectural landmarks and its most famous citizens.

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Код: 024826-65
Proceedings of the State Hermitage: Volume LXV
Pervye Kamennye Khramy Drevnei Rusi: Materialy Arkhitekturno-Arkheologicheskogo Seminara 22-24 Noiabria 2010 Goda

[ Proceedings of the State Hermitage: Volume LXV : First stone churches of Old Rus: Materials of the seminar on architectural archaeology, 22 - 24 November, 2010. ]
Москва: Izd-vo Gos. Ermitazha, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 49.00
This is a collection of the materials of the seminar on architectural archaeology, (22 - 24 November, 2010, St. Petersburg). It focuses on stone churches in the cities of Kiev, Novgorod and Polotsk, and discusses their architectural styles, construction techniques and materials, iconography, styles and technologies of monumental paintings.

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Код: 004562-4
Москва и Сложившиеся Русские Города XВИИ-Первои Половины XИX Веков

[ Moscow and the old Russian towns 17th - first half 20th centuries ]
Москва: НИИ Теории Архитектуры и Градостроительства-Строииздат, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 96.00
This is the fourth book in the series The Russian Art of Town Building. This book is about the towns which were founded in the second half of the 18th century. Among them are towns of the European part of Russia, the Volga region, the Russian North, the Ural region, Siberia, and the South of Russia.

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Код: 010640
Архитектура в Истории Русской Культуры

[ Architecture in the history of Russian culture ]
Москва: НИИ Теории Архитектуры и Градостроительства, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 29.00
This book is a collected work by the leading Russian scholars in the history of architecture. It is devoted to the history and cultural aspects of Russian architecture and urban design from the medieval period to the 20th century.
Код: 011034
Гольдфарб, С. И
Весь Иркутск
Rasskazy iz Istorii Goroda

[ All Irkutsk : Stories from the city`s history ]
Иркутск: Восточно-Сибирское книжное издательство, 1992
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 16.00
This book is about the history of the city of Irkutsk, its streets, its best houses, monuments, eminent citizens and historical events during the last 300 years.

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Код: 011438
Русский Классицизм Второй Половины XVII-Начала XIX Века

[ Russian classicism of the second half of the 17th - beginning of the 19th centuries ]
Москва: Изобразительное Искусство, 1994
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 36.00
This book studies peculiarities of Russian classicism in architecture, painting and the applied arts. A large part of the book is given to the analysis of the relationship of Classicism to pseudo-Gothics, pre-Romanticist and Romanticist trends, the first indications of this style in the early 18-th century, and its later disappearance into Eclectics.

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Код: 031753
The Caucasian city
Potentsial Etnokul`turnykh Sviazei v Urbanisticheskoi Srede

[ The Caucasian city : Potential of ethnocultural relations in urban environment ]
Москва: MAE RAN, 2013
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
This collective work studies the new ethnic trends in the Caucasian population in the cities of North and South Caucasus, as well as the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The research deals with the ethnic identity, neighbor relations, male oral culture, gardening and other elements of the Caucasian traditional life style.
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