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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

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[ 1 ]
Traditions and Life Style
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Code: 007839
Svadebnye Obriady Narodov Rossii i Blizhnego Zarubezh`ia

[ Wedding rituals of the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries : ]
Moscow: In-t Etnologii i Antropologii im. N.N. Miklukho-Maklaia, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.50
This collected work includes eight articles describing the wedding rituals of several ethnicities from the territory of the FSU: Georgia, Dagestan, the Smolensk region, Mordovia, Armenia, etc.
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Code: 010153
Severnyi Kavkaz
Bytovye Traditsii v 20 v.

[ The Northern Caucasus : The traditions of everyday life in the 20th century ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii im. Miklukho-Maklaia RAN, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book includes the description of the traditions of the peoples of the North and West Caucasus; marriage, traditions of children and teenagers` socialization, funeral rites, etc.
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Code: 010145-30
Informatsionnyi Biulleten` MAIRSK. Vyp. 30-31

[ Information bulleten: Vol. 30-31 : ]
Moscow: In-t Slavianovedeniia i Balkanistiki, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
This double issue (vol. 30-31) contains two main parts. Part 1 describes two recent conferences on Slavic cultures: "The Route from the Varangians to the Greeks" and "Slavs and Their Neighbors: From Myth to History".
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Code: 007895
d`Orevil`i, Barbe (Jules Barbey d `Aurevilly )
O Dendizme i Dzhordzhe Brammelle: Esse

[ On Dandism and George Brummel: Essays : ]
Moscow: Nezavisimaia Gazeta, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book is about the best known and most refined representative of dandyism in England George Brummel, "prime-minister of taste and elegance". It is a reprint of the book published in Russian in 1912.
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Code: 011706
Fedianovich, T
Semeinye Obychai i Obriady Finno-Ugorskikh Narodov Uralo-Povolzh`ia
Konets XIX veka- 1980 gody

[ Family traditions and rituals of Finno-Ugor peoples from Ural-Volga Region : Late 19th cent.-1980s ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii RAN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book describes birth, marriage, and burial customs of various Finno-Ugrian peoples. The author points to the adverse influence of education and urbanization on rituals, to modification of rituals, and their current formal use.
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Code: 012192
Ozhidaiushchaia Kul`tura
Ezotericheskie Ocherki Russkoi Istorii i Kul`tury

[ Awaiting culture : Esoteric essays on Russian history and culture ]
: EKSMO, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 53.00
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Code: 004858
Sistema Zhizneobespecheniia Traditsionnykh Obshchestv v Drevnosti i Sovremennosti
Teoriia. Metodologiia. Praktika

[ The System of self-sufficiency in traditional societies in old times and now : Theory. Methodology. Practice ]
Tomsk: Tomskii Gosud. Universitet, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
A collection of papers presented to the West Siberian conference of archaeologists, linguists, and ethnographers. The main topic of the conference is economic, cultural, and ecological aspects of self-sufficiency and reproduction in Siberian traditional societies.
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Code: 010270
Kurgatnikov, A. V
Russkaia Starina
Putevoditeli po XVIII Veku

[ Russia in Days of Yore : An original guide to the 18th century ]
Moscow-St. Petersburg: Kul`tura-LIK, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
This book is a documentary and artistic historical work. It is intended to be a guide to the culture, life style and traditions of the different strata of Russian society of the 18th century. These documents were first published in the celebrated Russian journal of the same name in 1870-1918.
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Code: 014051
Russkaia Provintsiia i Mirovaia Kul`tura
Tezisy Konferentsii

[ The Russian province and world culture : Conference materials ]
Iaroslavl`: Iaroslavskii Gosudarstvennyi Pedagogicheskii Universitet, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
Provincial Russian culture and the provincial intelligentsia and their relations with world culture were central topics of the collection of materials presented at the All-Russian conference.
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