This is a collection of folklore of Old Believers collected in Nizhnii Novgorod Oblast. It includes: stories about Russian history and sacred history, spiritual verses, apocryphal prayers and ceremonies, everyday life stories.
[ Adventures of a young Old Believer ] Москва: RKhGA, 2013 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 24.00
The author of this book, a grandson of a merchant-Old Believer, underwent many trials related to his faith and social status: raskulachivanie, his father`s arrest, exile to the Siberian town of Narym, expulsion from college.
[ Traditional dress of the Uimon Old Believers ] Горно-Алтайск: Горно-Алтайский Государственный Университет, 2005 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 18.00
The Uimon valley of the Republic of Altai is one of the old settlements of the followers of Old Slavic faith, group of ethnographic Russians - Uimon Old Believers, or "Kerzhaks". This monograph is a result of studying their life style in particular their traditional clothing, which they have preserved from the 18th century.
This handbook contains information about Old Believer bishops and their hierarchies as they formed in the 19th-20th centuries. The book includes two hierarchies (Belokrinitskaia and Novozybkovskaia), seven Churches within these two hierarchies, and two lists of Katakombnyi (Edinovernyi) bishops: Andreevtsy and Klimentovtsy.
The publication of the life of Gerasim Voshchikov (d. 1832) adds new pages to the history of the Filippovskoe Accord of Old Believers, which has long standing connections with the Solovki monks. The text is provided with comments by monk Simeon Gavrilov (Severodvinskii, secular name-Ivan Gavrilovich Kvashnin, 1842-1917?).
This is the third volume of studies in Old Believers` spiritual literature from Eastern Russia of the two last centuries with academic commentaries. In terms of geography, the book includes dogmatic and political texts found in the vast territory east of the Ural mountains, as well as in central Russia.
This is a collection of works on the history, literature, and artistic legacy of the Old Believers. Many of these works are based on 70 recently discovered manuscripts. The cultural and artistic activities of the four main centers of this religious movement is presented.