[ Introduction to Biblical exegesis ] Москва: PSTGU, 2011 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 38.00
This is a monograph on the history of exegesis, the science and art of interpretation of the Bible. It describes the methods of Biblical study and offers numerous examples of their use. (0.565 kg.)
This is a reprint of the second volume of a bibliographical index of the philosophical contents of Russian journals of the early 20th century. The current volume covers 1918-1939. It embraces articles, notes and reviews in periodicals of religious and secular schools, scientific, popular and other periodicals.
This issue of the almanac Verbum of the Center for Medieval Studies of the St. Petersburg University contains materials of the international conference Byzantine Theology and Traditions of Religious and Philosophical Thought in Russia.
Код: 008479-1 Бердяев, Н.А О Человеке, Его Свободе и Духовности Izbrannye Trudy [ On man, his freedom and spirituality : Collected works ] Москва: Московский Психологический Ин-т; Флинта, 1999 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 24.00
This is the first volume in the series Spiritual Unity: Selected Works of Renowned Thinkers. The series is addressed to teachers, psychologists and philosophers, as well as to students in these fields.
[ Information bulleten: Vol. 30-31 ] Москва: Ин-т Славяноведения и Балканистики, 1996 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 25.50
This double issue (vol. 30-31) contains two main parts. Part 1 describes two recent conferences on Slavic cultures: "The Route from the Varangians to the Greeks" and "Slavs and Their Neighbors: From Myth to History".
[ of The Information Bulletin of the International Association for the Study and Dissemination of Slavonic Cultures. Vol. 28-29 ] Москва: Ин-т Славяноведения и Балканистики, 1996 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 24.00
This double issue (vol. 28-29) of The Information Bulletin of the International Association for the Study and Dissemination of Slavonic Cultures opens with a speech by the president of IASDSC at the conference "Slav cultures and modern civilization" in Sofia, 1994.
Several Russian philosophers and writers (F. Dostoevskii, K. Leont`ev, V. Solov`ev, V. Rozanov, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdiaev, S. Frank) speculated on the Legend of the Grand Inquisitor. The current monograph offers a hermeneutic interpretation of the Legend, that is a turn from literary critical understanding to religious and philosophical interpretation, and even to a theological one with support of works by Church Fathers.
[ Russia and the ecumenical church ] Санкт Петербург: Харвест, 1999 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 39.00
This is a collection of ecumenical works by the renowned Russian religious philosopher Vladimir Solov`ev (1853-1900). It also includes his letters on the subject, selected articles, poetry and dramatic works.
[ Iconostasis ] Москва: Искусство, 1995 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 25.00
Pavel Florenskii (1882-1937) is the Russian Christian philosopher and theologian. The book includes his work "Iconostasis" as well as some other works on icon painting. Includes name and subject indicies and an index of citations.
[ On Christian unity ] Москва: Рудомино, 1994 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 27.00
Vladimir Solov`ev was one of the first Russian theologians who was concerned about the split between the Western and Eastern churches, and began the ecumenical dialog. This book is a collection of his works and letters on the subject of Christian unity written in the 1880-90`s.
This collection of articles by Russian and foreign historians of religious music and singing deals with oral and written transmission of Church singing tradition ascending to Byzantine church rites. (0.
[ Sermons and Treatises ] ??????: Politizdat, 1991 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 29.00
This is a reprint of the 1912 edition of the work by German theologian, mystic and philosopher Eckhart von Hochheim commonly known as Meister Eckhart (1260-1327), a classic monument of medieval philosophical thought.
[ God and man in Russian religious and philosophical discourse ] С. Петербург: Наука, САГА, 2002 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 19.00
The works of several Russian philosophers, E. Trubetskoi, S. Bulgakov, P. Florenskii, were written in internal dialog and are united with the same system of concepts and terms. Therefore they were called by historians "shkola vseedinstva" (school of unity).
This volume includes two works: "V Mire Neiasnogo I Nereshennogo" (1901) and "Iz Vostochnykh Motivov" (1916-17). The volume is provided with commentaries and name index.
This volume includes two Rozanov`s works: "Russkaia Tserkov` i Drugie stat`i" (1909) and "V Temnykh Religioznykh Luchakh" (1910). The main subject of these books is the role of christianity in the development of Russian culture.
This volume represents V. Rozanov`s views on the Russian Church, Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the official Church and sects. Also includes his biographical sketches of the Russian religious philosophers A.
This collective publication deals with the history of Russian studies in religion in the 20th and early 21st centuries. The contributors analyze the history of religious studies as the history of ideas, as a special discourse, and use approaches developed by Michel Foucault, Imre Lakatos, Robert Merton and Randell Collins, etc.
[ Russian theology: Based on doctoral and masters` dissertations 1870-1918) ] Москва: PSTGU, 2012 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 32.00
This monograph continues "Sistema nauchno-bogoslovskoi attestatsii v Rossii v XIX - nachale XX v." (2009, also available). The author analyzes subjects of doctoral theses of Orthodox academies in the Russian empire in the 19th - early 20th centuries.