[ Occasional literature in the context of festive culture in Russia in the 18th century ] Москва: Fakul`tet filologii i iskusstv SPbGU, 2010 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 43.00
Literature and music written for an occasion (occasional literature) is a significant part of the culture of every epoch, but it was the most significant part of Russian culture in the 18th century. This literature has several genres, the most known are: panegyric, madrigal, ceremony, initiation, ode, epitaph, elegy, etc.
This book provides a comparative analysis of the characters and works of Boris Akunin and Leonid Iuzefovich, contemporary Russian writers of detective fiction. (0.145 kg.)
[ History and a saga ] Москва: Nauka, 1972 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 12.00
One of the best known books by Aron Gurevich (1920-1996), an outstanding Russian medieval historian. The book studies the saga as a genre of historic literatures, a source on the history of the Scandinavian peoples.
[ Vocal-symphonic works of S.V. Rachmaninof and the Russian cantata in the early 20th century ] Москва: Izd-vo Politekhn. un-ta, 2009 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 22.00
This books deals with the genre of Russian cantata at its peak in the early 20th century. The central figure in this genre was Sergey Rakhmaninov. The author compares his works in this genre with works of other composers, as well as reviews related to his genre poetical and philosophical works.
This work is part of the series published by the Department of Literature at Tver` Universitet. This volume includes papers delivered at the international conference The Motif of Wine in Russian Literature.
[ Siberian memoir literature of the 19th century ] Москва: SO RAN, 2010 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 54.00
This is a generalized description of Siberian memoirs written in the 19th century (more than 1,000 works). The monograph offers a frame of references and concepts of such description, classification of memoir literature, as well as a classification of sources.
[ The historical poetics of the metanovel ] Москва: Intrada, 2014 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 39.00
This monograph analyzes the historical poetics of the genre called metaroman. The author describes its structure and borders in the various epochs of its existence. The book also traces the history of the genre from Antiquity to the 20th century.
This monograph, in two books, studies one of the brightest phenomena of the pre-Petrine epoch - celebratory court poetry of the end of 17th century. This work is based on manuscripts from the Russian archives.
[ Russian elegy of the post-Pushkin period: Essays on typology and history ] Москва: Iazyki slavianskoi kul`tury, 2013 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 29.00
The perception of poetry in the last two century has swung to and fro between two understandings: the "lyrical poem" or the unique and personal text. This monograph offers a middle decision – the genre of elegy - which contrary to common opinion did not die, but rather actively developed in this period.
The author aims to attract our attention to a little studied poetic genre – the excerpt or fragment. This genre was used by many great writers like V. Zhukovskii, A. Pushkin etc. This book analyzes the specific features of the genre.
This book is a collection of works on the use of Bible plots in Old Russian literature and social thought of the 11th to early 18th centuries. Among the contributors are scholars of the Old Slavic Literatures department of the Institute of World Literature and others.