[ The limit of empires: Articles and reports of 2009-2012 ] Москва: Regnum, 2012 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 19.00
This book includes articles about the events of the Second World War, international relations between Russia and the CIS, modernization of colonial ideology and the policy and practice of the United States.
This the fourth volume in the series (The three previous volumes were published correspondingly in 1993, 1993, and 1995). This volume is dedicated to the memory of the Russian logician and philosopher V.
[ N.A. Rozhkov: Historian and public figure ] Москва: Sobranie, 2012 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 34.00
This is the first monograph in Russian about the historian N.A. Rozhkov (1868-1927), the author of about 400 publications in Russian history, including the twelve-volume Russian History in Comparative-Historic View.
This collective publication deals with the history of Russian studies in religion in the 20th and early 21st centuries. The contributors analyze the history of religious studies as the history of ideas, as a special discourse, and use approaches developed by Michel Foucault, Imre Lakatos, Robert Merton and Randell Collins, etc.
This is a collection of articles on youth issues in Russia: youth organizations, student self-management, scientific and innovation potential of youth, actual education technologies, socialization, translation of knowledge and cultural traditions, linguistic and communication aspects of the youth environment, and the health of the nation.
While critically assessing neoliberal theories of modernization and development, Aleksandr Veber examines the consequences and limits of exponential economic growth, the peculiarities of the modern market as a social phenomenon, the correlation of the state, market and civil society as system-building structures, and possible mechanisms of transition to a sustainable society in Russia.
The seventh volume of the transactions of the institute Russian Anthropological School (RASh) deals with "soviet" as an object of modern humanities studies. Contents: Sovetskii diskurs - diskurs o sovetskom; Volny Kondrat`eva i istoriia chelovechestva; Sovetskii diskurs v fil`me V.
[ Argument about Bakunin and Dostoevsky: Articles ] Москва: Letnii sad, 2012 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 29.00
The book includes the discussion between two writers L. Grossman (1888-1965) and Viach. Polonskii (1886-1932) on Bakunin and Dostoevskii with detailed comments. This is a reprint of the 1926 edition. (0.
[ On world history ] Москва: RGGU, 2013 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 19.00
A collection of theoretical articles by the well-known historiographer and public figure L. M. Batkin begins with an article called "On the progression of history into the future". The other articles and fragments, which were published earlier (between 1988 and 2002), are closely linked and correlated with it.
This is the proceedings of the XIV International Conference on historical psychology: Space and Time in the Perception of the Person. Among contributors to this publication are scholars of many social sciences: philosophers, psychologists, biologists, pedagogues, historians of the arts, literature, and social life.
The ninth volume of the transactions of the institute Russian Anthropological School (RASh) continues the eighth and deals with symbolic forms of representation of power and their place in Russian humanities.
This monograph studies the anthropological views of Old Russian and East-European medieval thinkers: Nil Sorskii, Artemii Troitskii, Tsar Ivan the Terrible, and unknown authors. The author traces how the image of man formed and evolved in Old Russian culture and what were the cultural contexts of man`s existence.
The first part of the book studies the nature, phenomenology, and genesis of art on the basis of a semiotic approach. The second part analyzes philosophical, cultural and historical aspects of European painting and music.
The eighth volume of the transactions of the institute Russian Anthropological School (RASh) deals with symbolic forms of representation of power and their place in modern humanities studies. Contents: Symbols of power in Antiquity and the Middle Ages; Symbols of power in Russian history.
[ Dostoevskii: The dynamics of fate and freedom ] Москва: RGGU, 2011 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 30.00
This monograph studies the various understandings of fate and freedom in Dostoevskii`s works. The author reconstructs the social- and gender- conditioned concept of both freedom and fate in various social groups and forms.
[ Mikhail Tareev ] St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Univ-ta, 1994 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 12.00
This book is the first work about Professor Mikhail Tareev (1867-1934), a Russian philosopher and theologian. The individualism and pessimism of his views made him a lonely figure in Russian philosophy.
Код: 008406 Рерих, Е.И. (Роерич, Ыелена) Елена Ивановна Рерих: Письма Toma 1-3 [ Letters: In nine volumes: Volumes 1-3 ] Москва: Международныи Центр Рерихов, 1999-2001 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 99.00
This is the first three volumes of the collection of letters of Elena Rerikh (1879-1955) from the archive of the International Center of the Rerikhs in Moscow. These letters disclose the esoteric and educational work of E.
The book looks at three main epochs of the Russian reform movement, from transformations of Peter the Great through socialism up to modern postsocialist modernization. The author analyzes the underlying trends of the Russian type of commonwealth formation and the prospects of its development.
[ Russian fate, confession of an outlaw ] Москва: Центрополиграф, 1999 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 19.00
The Russian philosopher A.A. Zinov’ev (1922-2006), famous for his anti-Soviet novels “Gaping heights” (1976), “The Madhouse” (1980), and “Homo Sovieticus” (1982), lived in Germany from 1978 until his repatriation in 1999.
[ Phliosophy and the ideology of oblastnichestvo ] Москва: Intersotsis, 2012 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 14.00
This book is about a little known movement of the provincial intelligentsia at the second half of the 19th century in Russia. "Sibirskoe oblastnichestvo" (Siberian regional movement) was begun in St. Petersburg in 1859-60 by Siberian students of G.
This book is the first Russian attempt to define globalization in its relation to literature and literary studies, to regard the latter as specific ideological institutions connected with and developing in parallel to the transformations of western modernity: from its imperial-colonial division to the emergence, growth and decline of nation-states, from liberalism to neo-liberalism.
[ In the shadow of the Cross ] Москва: Выбор, 1997 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 18.00
Viktor Aksiuchits (b. 1949) is a modern Russian religious philosopher who was influenced by many Russian philosophers including Solov`ev, Florenskii, Bulgakov, and Frank, on one hand, and Dostoevskii, Berdiaev, and Shestov, on another.
[ Studia Culturae: Almanac of the Cathedra of Culture and the Center for the Study of Culture of the Philosophy Department of the St. Petersburg State University. Issue 12 ] Москва: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe obshchestvo, 2011 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 24.00
This issue of the almanac studies laughter and the science of laughter (gelology). Contents: Evoliutsionnoe begstvo: S.M. Eizenshtein i estetika komicheskogo; Revoliutsionnyi smekh russkogo avangarda; Problemy igry v zhizni i tvorchestve D.
[ Church, state and the revolution ] Москва: RISI, 2013 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 11.00
This book includes essays about Russian state power, relations between the state and the Church, and an ideological interpretation of the 1917 revolution in Russia. (0.125 kg.)
Dmitrii Galkovskii is one of the most controversial figures in modern Russian philosophy and literature. The first issue of this magazine was published in 1996. His first novel "Beskonechnyi Tupik", though it has not been published for 9 years, became a subject of embittered polemics during these years in many Russian periodicals.
[ God and man in Russian religious and philosophical discourse ] С. Петербург: Наука, САГА, 2002 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 19.00
The works of several Russian philosophers, E. Trubetskoi, S. Bulgakov, P. Florenskii, were written in internal dialog and are united with the same system of concepts and terms. Therefore they were called by historians "shkola vseedinstva" (school of unity).