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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

Rare Russian Books

Всего записей: 11
[ 1 ]
Криминальная Ситуация
Код: 029463
Orlov, I.B.; Markosian, G.M
Bribery and the struggle against it in the years of NEP

[ Bribery and the struggle against it in the years of NEP ]
Москва: Printsipium, 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 32.00
This monograph based on rich case studies analyzes the main aspects of bribery in the years of the New Economic Policy (1920s), its factors and reasons, its various types, and the mechanism of the struggle of the state and society against it.
Код: 029532
Shalamov. A.Iu
Russian cop: Criminal investigation police of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries

[ Russian cop: Criminal investigation police of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries ]
Москва: Printsipium, 2013
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 36.00
This book describes the history of formation and everyday life of Russian police agents in St. Petersburg and the rest of Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Код: 028943
Skuratov, Iu.I
The Kremlin contracts: The last case of the attorney general

[ The Kremlin contracts: The last case of the attorney general ]
Москва: Algoritm, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
The book presents a new documentary story by the former Attorney General of the Russian Federation Iurii Skuratov about his struggle with economic corruption in Russia in the 1990-s that involved the "Kremlin family" and some politicians from the president`s close circle.

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Код: 003060
Социально-Экономические Аспекты Коррупции
Problemno-Tematicheskii Sbornik

[ Socio-economic aspects of corruption ]
Москва: ИНИОН РАН, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 13.00
A collection of studies on various theories of corruption by scholars of several countries, primarily France and Germany. Studied are the relationship between business and shadow economies on one hand, and politicians and political institutions, on the other.
Код: 001844
Антонян, Ю
Насильственная Преступность в России

[ Crimes of violence in Russia ]
Москва: ИНИОН РАН, 2001
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 13.50
This issue of the series Current Issues of the Struggle Against Criminality deals with crimes of violence in Russia. In the center of the analysis is the state, structure, and dynamics of violent criminality, statistics of a long period of selective research and data of the author`s investigations.

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Код: 013161
Обьектно-Структурныи Анализ Организованнои Преступности в Сфере Частных Инвестиций
Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Objective-Structural analysis of organized crime in the sphere of private investments : Textbook ]
Москва: Московскии Институт МВД Россий, 1997
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 25.50
This textbook analyzes the criminal activity of companies that use private investments in 1995-96.
Код: 027392
Kurcheev, V.S., Sviridov, I.V., Tiugashev, E.A
Homo Urbanus: Megalopolis in the mirror of criminology: Monograph

[ Homo Urbanus: Megalopolis in the mirror of criminology: Monograph ]
Москва: Novosib. gos. un-t, 2009
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 39.00
Analysis of law enforcement and ensuring of public safety in city of Novosibirsk, one of the biggest megapolises of Russia. The collective monograph analyzes the genesis of criminality and juvenile delinquency and includes enormous factual material on the criminal situation in the Siberian megapolis.

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Код: 008311
Проблемы Борьбы с Организованнои Преступностью, Коррупциеи и Терроризмом
Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov

[ Problems of fighting organized crime, corruption, and terrorism ]
Москва: ВНИИ МВД Россий, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 29.00
This is the proceedings of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). Several issues are discussed in the collection: organization and methods of fighting organized crime; the ethnic factor of crime in Russia; the illegal gun market; personalities of the leaders of organized crime; hostages and kidnapping; terrorism as an international problem; cooperation between Russia and Belorussia in fighting crime; incorporating international criminal laws into the Russian criminal code, etc.
Код: 006193-7
Глинкин, А.Н., ет ал
Глобализация Наркобизнеса
Ugrozy dlia Rossii i Drugikh Stran

[ Globalization of the drug business : Threats to Russia and other countries ]
Москва: Ин-т Латинскои Америки РАН, 1999
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 9.00
The globalization of economic processes in the world also includes the globalization of the drug business. The authors of this research project "Globalization of international drug business and countries with transition economies: Latin America, Russia and the CIS" analyze the general trends and its consequences for Russia and the CIS.
Код: 012744
Абрамкин, В.Ф
Поиски Выхода
Prestupnost`, Ugolovnaia Politika i Mesta Zakliucheniia v Postsovetskom Prostranstve

[ In search of a solution : Crime, criminal policy, and imprisonment places in post-soviet space ]
Москва: Права Человака, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 25.00
The main topic of this book is the criminal situation in Russia and former USSR republics, criminal policy of Russian government, human right violations, prisons, legal institutions, the fate of new legal and prison reforms in Russia in 1991-1995.
Код: 009643
Гдлян, Т. анд Додолев, Е
Мафия Времён Беззакония

[ The Mafia in lawless times ]
Санкт Петербург: Izd-vo AN Armeniia, 1991
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
Tel`man Gdlian became a famous figure when he and his colleague Ivanov began an investigation of the corruption and crimes at the top of the power pyramid. This brochure includes some of the cases which prosecutor Gdlian and his team worked on.
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