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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

Rare Russian Books

Всего записей: 6
[ 1 ]
Уровенж Жизни и Благосостояние
Код: 030903
Kozyreva, A.E.; Nizamova, A.I.; Smirnov, A.I
Resources and practices of social-economic adaptation of the population of Russia

[ Resources and practices of social-economic adaptation of the population of Russia ]
Москва: Novyi khronograf, 2013
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
This book analyzes the data of the monitoring of the Russian economic state and health of the Russian population, and resources and practices of social-economic adaptation to the condition of the post-soviet period.

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Код: 004977-98
Население и Условия Жизни в Странах Содружества Независимых Государств. 1998
Statisticheskii Sbornik

Москва: ГосКомСтат, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 52.50
This statistical handbook shows the dynamics of population changes and standards of living in 1991-1997 in the member countries of the CIS. Presented in the handbook are data on number of the population, marriage and divorce, morbidity and mortality, economic activities of population, level and sources of income, consumer prices and expenditure of households, consumption of foodstuffs, social security of disabled persons, housing conditions of the population, etc.
Код: 005498
Авраамова, Е. М
Авраамова, Е. М

[ Time of changes: Socio-economic adaptation of population ]
Москва: ИСЕПН, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 24.00
This book is focused on the process of adaptation of the population to social and economic changes, and is based on a wealth of sociological data collected in 1992-97. The author analyses laws of an economy and society in transition, different population subjects and their positions toward the transformation, the social effects of privatization, the savings ability of the population, and the formation of a middle class and new identities.
Код: 016043
Григорьев, С.И., Гуслякова, Л.Г., Синцова, Л.К
Стандарт Многоуровневой Подготовки Социальных Педагогов и Социальных Работников Как Основа Качества Подготовки Кадров для Учереждений Социальной Сферы

[ The Standard of multilevel training of social workers and teachers as a precondition of the quality of their education ]
Барнаул: [н/и], 2001
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 12.00
This monograph discusses the theoretical basis of training social workers and social teachers of several levels of education, defines standards and levels of education, requirements regarding qualification and knowledge for workers in these two fields.
Код: 013632
Инкингрин, Е.Н., Неганов, Ф.М
Социальная Защита Населения Северных Городов России
Teoriia, Metodologiia, Praktika

[ Social protection of the population of northern cities of Russia : Theory, methodology, practice ]
Уфа: Башкирский Ун-т, 2001
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 16.00
This monograph develops the concept of social protection of the population in the northern cities of Russia, and describes its current state and the main directions of its development. The authors used the population of the city of Nizhne-Vartovsk as the study-group for their research.
Код: 031873
Klimin, I.I
Social-economic inequality in Russia (1921-2013)

[ Social-economic inequality in Russia (1921-2013) ]
Москва: Fora-print, 2015
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 32.00
This monograph, based on official documents, statistical data and press accounts, presents an original theory on the causes of the economic and social inequality and exfoliation of the modern postsoviet Russian society.
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