Collection of studies by the Center for Intellectual Resources and Cooperation in Social Sciences let by Georgii Satarov (b. 1947). This is one of the very first works that uses sociological methods in electoral studies in Russia.
[ Russia: Power and elections ] Москва: Авяиздат, 1996 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 45.00
This book is published by the Institute of Socio-Political Studies. It analyzes the first presidential elections in history of Russia in 1996, political preferences and orientations, programs of the different political parties, factions and blocks, presidential candidates and their programs, their campaigns and results.
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Код: 013573 Электоральная Политология Teoriia i Opyt Rossii [ Electoral political science : Theory and the Russian experience ] Санкт Петербург: Изд-во С.-Петербургского Университета, 1998 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 18.00
This is a publication on the actual problems of the electoral process in Russia, theory and methodology, political culture and behavior, technology and statistics. Most of the works are based on analysis of the 1997/1998 federal and local elections.
[ Political management: The Election process and its technologies ] Санкт Петербург: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского Университета, 1999 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 14.00
Political management and particularly election theory is a still a very young field of political science in Russia. This book discusses general and specific issues of the electoral process, legislation, technology, polls, predicted and actual behavior.
This book analyzes the social characteristics of the Kuzbass region, an industrial area in southern Siberia. The regional electorate and their political orientations and voting preferences are described, based on surveys of 1994-96.
This book is about the scientific legacy of a great Russian geographer and ethnographer Nikolai Miklukho-Maklai (1846-1888). Contents: Proiskhozhdenie N.N. Miklukho-Maklaia kak "cheloveka nauki; Zapisnaia kniga "Ethnologia": problema vybora glavnoi zadachi; Fizicheskaia antropologiia v issledovaniiakh N.