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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

Rare Russian Books

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[ 1 ]
Труд и Рабочие Движения

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Код: 004978-01
Рынок труда в Странах Содружества Независимых Государств
Statisticheskii Sbornik

[ The Labor market in the CIS countries : Statistical handbook ]
Москва: ГосКомСтат, 2001
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 58.00
This handbook covers statistical data on the working age population: employment and unemployment, including part time employment; distribution by industry; working conditions; cost of work places, training programs, and other aspects of work in the CIS countries.
Код: 005197
Вечканов, Г.С
Миграция и Занятость Населения в Россий

[ Migration and employment in Russia ]
Санкт Петербург: Петрополис, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 12.00
Modern problems of migration and employment of the population of Russia and the former Soviet Union are studied. The major tendencies of migration from the FSU to Russia and from Russia to the West are assessed.
Код: 011003
Гордон, Л.А
Очерки Рабочего Движения в Послесоциалистической России

[ Essays on the Labor Movement in Postsocialist Russia ]
Москва: Институт Мировои Економики, 1993
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 10.00
The first essay is about the state of the worker class in the socialist state system of 1970-80. The second is devoted to the first steps in the new workers` movement during 1989-91. The third essay includes a comparison of the workers` movement in post-socialist society with similar movements in capitalist and post-capitalist countries.
Код: 012813
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Polemika na Stranitsakh Konservativnoi i Liberal`noi Pechati Nachala XX Veka

[ Workers of Russia and culture : Controversy in conservative and liberal periodicals of the early 20th century ]
??????: ???????? ?????????? ??????? ???, 1997
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 16.50
This monograph looks at the coverage of the topic of the working class in numerous periodicals of Moscow and St. Petersburg before the first Russian revolution, in the years of 1901-1904. The author restricts herself to conservative and liberal media.
Код: 004420
Полунов, М.Ф
Россииские Рабочие во Второи Половине 80-х-Первои Половине 90-х Годов
Problemy i Tendentsii Sotsial`nogo Razvitiia: Na materialakh Sankt-Peterburga i Leningradskoi Oblast

[ Russian workers in the second half of the 80s-the first half of 90s : Problems and trends in social development: Based on materials of St. Petersburg and its oblast ]
Санкт Петербург: Нестор, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 16.50
The period under consideration, 1885-1995, was a period of drastic changes in Russian life, as well as in the life of the former "hegemon", working class. The social position of workers as well as their living standards dropped significantly.

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Код: 021092
Трудовые Конфликты в СССР: 1930-1991
Sbornik Statei i Dokumentov

[ Labor disputes in the USSR: 1930-1991 : Collected articles and documents ]
Москва: Институт Российской Истории РАН, 2006
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 29.00
This is a collection of articles, documents and materials about labor disputes and conflicts in the USSR in 1930-1991: their reasons and forms, methods of their resolution and the corresponding articles of the law on labor.

Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/common/booksCls.php on line 136
Код: 005132-05
Рабочее Движение в России: 1895 - Февраль 1917 г.: Хроника
Vyp. V. 1899 g.

[ Labour Movement in Russia: 1895 - February of 1917: Chronicle. Part V. 1899 ]
Москва: Институт Россиискои Историй, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 19.00
The fifth volume of the Chronicle is about the history of workers in Russia in 1899, and contains materials from 140 collections from 140 Russian local archives. 1899 was a year of industrial recession and of changes for the worse in workers` living conditions.
Код: 028911
Khokhlova, M.M
Youth on the job market in Krasnoiarsk
Problemy i Perspektivy

[ Youth on the job market in Krasnoiarsk : Issues and prospects ]
Москва: SFU, 2010
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 17.00
This monograph shows many years of studies in youth unemployment as a social problem in the Siberian city of Krasnoiarsk. The author analyzes the reasons for such high unemployment, expectation of high school graduates for employment, activities of various agencies in job search for young people.

Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/common/booksCls.php on line 136
Код: 009994
Трудности Социального Обновления России (1993-1994)
Sbornik Obzorov

[ Hardships of the social transformation of Russia (1993-94) : Collection of reviews ]
Москва: ИНИОН, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 17.00
Спец. цена: $ 13.00
This collection includes reviews of sociological studies devoted to labor conflicts and the labor movement, problems of youth in Russia, social deviance in the army. social problems of migration, social attitude towards the homeless.
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