This handbook contains the Ukrainian laws on private property and the individual`s rights in the use of government, community, and other types of property. Also given is commentary to the acting laws and existing forms of protection of individual rights of property.
This book studies economic relations between Russia and Germany, and in particular trade policy and practice in the period 1890-1914, including their treaties and tariff policy. Extensive bibliography.
This brochure is an anlysis of the professional activities of 17 Russian finance ministers from the 19th to the early 20th centuries, their economic and monetary policy, and economic reforms.
[ National currency of the republic of Kazakhstan ] Алматы: Карзы-Каражат, 1995 Язык: Kazakh, Russian, English
Цена: $ 24.00
The brochure contains a detailed description of new currency of all denominations of the republic of Kazakhstan along with their color reproductions. Parallel text in Kazakh, Russian and English.
[ Regional aspects of reforming taxation in the oil and gas sector of the Russian economy ] Новосибирск: ИЭиОПП СО РАН, 2001 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 15.00
This monograph discusses different approaches to taxation of the energy sector, analyzes the influence of this sector on the Russian economy as whole and in various regions, and offers its own approach to a unified tax system in oil-gas industry.
One of the key features of a transformation period in any economy is the collapse of existing reproduction processes. This monograph studies the mechanism of forming new reproduction relationships in the Russian economy, the investment market at the federal and local levels.
This review covers publications in the history of banks and banking in Russia from the end of 18th to the early 20th centuries. Includes bibliographic references.
[ Collection of syllabi for the courses `State and Municipal Management`, `Finance and Credit`, and `Jurisprudence` ] Санкт Петербург: Сибирская Академия Государственнои Службы, 2000 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 21.00
This teaching aid contains three syllabi together with recommended reading and tests for each of them.
[ The Russian debts and the West: From Swiss archives ] Москва: IRI RAN, 2008 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 14.00
This monograph is about the fate of foreign investments in Russia after she defaulted on loans made by the Interim Russian Government and stopped payments. This action by the Bolshevik government caused a controversial reaction abroad.
[ The Stock market as a mechanism for raising capital ] Новосибирск: НГАЕиУ, 2000 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 18.00
This monograph studies mechanisms of attracting capital into industries based on the example of the Siberian regional stock market and banking system, methodology of estimating the investment attractiveness of various regions, the potential of the stock market in terms of investing, list of potential investors, etc.
The global crisis of 2008-2009 affected all spheres of economic activity and brought to light serious conflicts of the interest among the various participants in international economic exchange. Recent sharp fluctuations in currency rates on the global market are viewed as one of the most striking demonstrations of these contradictions.
This teaching aid is one of the first textbooks on bonds issued by municipal governments and administrations of regional members of the Russian Federation. It cover the history of these bonds, their structure, mechanism of their issue, prospects of the bond market and its legal regulation.
According to the editor of this collected work, investment policy conducted by the Russian government recently contradicts world experience of government regulation of the economy. The authors have focused not on the mistakes of previous Russian governments, but on formulating policy that would have a positive effect on investments in the Russian economy.
This issue highlights patterns and forms of venture capital and its role in financing innovation activities in developed market economies, as well as prospective developments in the field in Russia.
[ The Ruble in the post-soviet area ] ??????: ????, 2005 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 14.00
This publication is based on materials of the round table in the Institute of Europe in November 2004. Participants of this panel, the leading Russian economists and top ranking government officers, agreed that previous attempts to create a ruble zone in the post-soviet area were not successful due to the absence of economic union, which is the must for any monetary integration.
[ The Economic nature of leasing: Russian peculiarities ] Новосибирск: ИЭиОПП СО РАН, 2001 Язык: Русский
Цена: $ 15.00
The author studies leasing as a part of investment activity, and shows the peculiarities of this business transaction in the Russian economy. Contents: Economic nature of leasing; The History of leasing in Russia; Legal regulation of leasing in Russia; Leasing development in various sectors of the Russian economy; Simulation of the leasing mechanism.
The book describes legal and economic nature of credit relationships, analyzes the recent practice of arbitration courts and specific cases on the subject, contains all the major Ukrainian laws and acts regulating credit relations.
The textbook for students with major in Finance and Credit. Includes the syllabus, lectures, questions for self-checking, dictionary of terms, bibliography, and test materials.
A course of lectures on the revenue side of budgets of all levels: federal, Russian Federation member, region, city, etc, their structure, sources, and dynamics. The main financial categories and indicators are discussed.
Includes the chapters: Foreign capital in Russia: history; Foreign investments in Russia in 90s; Management of foreign capital; Russian stocks on the international stock market.