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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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$ 25.50
Il`in, I.A
Theory of law and government

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[ Teoriia Prava i Gosudarstva]

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Ed. and foreword by V.A. Tomsinov
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Moscow:  Zertsalo, 2003
398 p. [1 ill.]
Hardcover. 14.5 x 22 cm
ISBN: 5807800869
This volume includes two works of the Russian philosopher and scholar in jurisprudence Ivan Il`in (1883-1954) ) who was exiled in 1922. The first one, General Teaching on Law and Government, was first published in 1915 as part of a textbook for gymnasia. The second one, On the Essence of the Sense of Justice, was written in 1919 but first published only in 1956 in Germany. The latter work is still one of the most significant in Russian legal thought. Also included is a biographical essay about I. Il`in by professor of law A. Tomsinov. Other books by I. Il`in are also available: Odinokii Khudozhnik (1993); Osnovy Gosudarstvennogo Ustroistva; Proekt Osnovnogo Zakona Rossiiskoi Imperii (1996); Aksiomy Religioznogo Opyta (2001); O Vospitanii Natsional`noi Elity (2001); Dnevnik. Pis`ma. Dokumenty (1903-1938) (1999); Pis`ma. Memuary: 1939-1954 (1999); Stat`i. Lektsii. Vstupleniia. Retsenzii: 1906-1954 (2001); Mir Pered Propast`iu: Politika, Khoziaistvo i Kul`tura v Kommunisticheskom Gosudarstve (2001); Filosofiia Gegelia kak Uchenie o Konkretnosti Boga i Cheloveka (2002).
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