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Русская духовная музыка в документах и материалах
Том 4: Степан Васильевич Смоленский: Воспоминания: Казань, Москва, Перербург
[ Russkaia Dukhovnaia Muzyka v Dokumentakh i Materialakh : Tom IV: Stepan Vasil`evich Smolenskii: Vospominaniia: Kazan`, Moskva, Peterburg]
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Comp., introd. and comment. by N.I. Kabanova, ed. by M.P. Rakhmanov Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: Языки Славянской Культуры, 2002 686 p. [16 ill.] Серия: Язы. Семиотика. Культура Hardcover. 17.5 x 24 cm ISBN: 5944570563 Язык: Русский
This is the fourth volume of a book about the Moscow Synodal choir in the 30 years before the Revolution of 1917. Throughout its history the Choir was successively under the authority of the Kiev, Vladimir, and Moscow metropolitans. The current volume includes the memoirs of the musician, scholar and teacher Stepan Smolenskii (1848-1909). Though it is related to the history of the Choir, it goes far beyond this topic, and covers the musical and social life of the 1860s-1906. Comments, supplements, biographical sketch about and list of publications by S. Smolenskii, name index.