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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств. |
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The Book business in Russia in the second half of the 19th-beginning of the 20th centuries
Volume eleven
[ Knizhnoe Delo v Rossii vo Vtoroi Polovine XIX - Nachale XX vv. : Vypusk 11]
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Comp. and ed. by I.I. Frolova
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St. Petersburg: Rossiiskaia Natsional`naia Biblioteka, 2003 187 p pbk. 14 x 20 cm. Printing 400 ISBN: 5819201590The series contains works on the history of censorship, publishing, the book trade in large cities and the provinces, of Russian antique and rare books, reading and readers, and book collecting. Started in 1983. Bibliographic references. Index of works published in volumes 1-10 (138 entries). Standing order and volumes 8-10 are available.
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