Переслегин, С.Б., Переслегина, Е.Б Тихоокеанская Премьера
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[ Tikhookeanskaia Prem`era]
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Ed. and introd. by N.Iutanov
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Санкт Петербург: АСТ, Терра фантастика, 2001 701 p Серия: Военно-Историческая Библиотека Hardcover ISBN: 5170041195 Язык: РусскийThis monograph presents a detailed military and diplomatic history of war in Pacific ocean in the 20th century, based on a profound analysis of documents, memoirs and works of their predecessors in historical investigation. The book is typical specimen of the post-modernist historical discourse representing the reconstruction of the past. In the center of the investigation is the tragic figure of the Japanese admiral Yamamoto (1884-1943). His carrier is depicted against the background of the strategy and tactics of the military operations in Pacific, geopolitical conditions and causes of the victories and of the defeats. The final part of the book highlights the political situation after World War II and after the Cold War, called by the authors World War III. Supplements: The Art of Strategy in the Pacific War, and Analytical Geometry of the Ocean by R. Ismailov; Biographical data of Admiral I. Yamamoto. Bibliography. Biographical index.