Повседневная Жизнь Средневековой Руси Накануне Конца Света
Россия в 1492 Госу Рождения Христова или в 7000 Году от Сотворения Мира
[ Povsednevnaia Zhizn` Srednevekovoi Rusi Nakanune Kontsa Sveta : Rossiia v 1492 Godu Rozhdestva Khristova ili v 7000 Godu ot Sotvoreniia Mira]
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Москва: Молодая Гвардия, 2004 532 p. [32 ill.] Серия: Живая история пер. 12.5 x 20 см ISBN: 5235027523 Язык: Русский
Many educated people of the world thought that the mankind was on the eve of doomsday in 1492, the end of the seventh millennium of the world. However the expected end did not happen. How the paradox of the seventh millennium affected everyday Rus, and what was the perception and anticipation of this day. Nikolai Borisov, a well known Russian medievalist, is the author of several other books about this time and its personalities: Ivan Kalita (1997); Politika Moskovskikh Kniazei (1999); Sergei Radonezhskii (2001); Ivan III (2000, 2003) (also available). Bibliography (287 titles).