Записки Полковника Кубанского Казачьего Войска в Тринадцати Брошюрах-Тетрадях
[ Kazaki na Kavkazskom Fronte. 1914-1917 : Zapiski Polkovnika Kubanskogo Kazach`ego Voiska v Trinadtsati Broshiurakh-Tetradiakh]
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??????: ?????????, 2001 292 p. [16 ill.] Серия: Редкая Книга Hardcover ISBN: 5203019010 Язык: Русский
The history of the Russian Civil war is still being written by its participants. This is a memoir of a soldier who survived at least three wars: WW I, the Civil War, and WW II. Until now this book circulated as a manuscript in numerous copies. Fedor Eliseev (1892-1987) came with his Cossack force in WW I through Turkey to the most southern point the Russian army has ever been – the source of the Tigris River. He joined the White movement in 1918 and emigrated in 1920. Eliseev`s memoir includes thirteen of his 90 notebooks and covers military actions of several Cossack forces in the Caucasus, mentions hundreds of names of Russian soldiers who fought close to him.