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Римско-Константинопольское Наследие на Руси
Идея Власти и Политическая Практика: ИX Международныи Семинар Исторических Исследований
[ Rimsko-Konstantinopol`skoe Nasledie na Rusi : Ideia Vlasti i Politicheskaia Praktika: IX Mezhdunarodnyi Seminar Istoricheskikh Issledovanii]
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Ed. A.N. Sakharov et al Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: Институт Россиискои историй, 1995 355 p Серия: От Рима к Третьему Риму pbk. Printing 300 ISBN: 5201005810 Язык: Русский
This is a proceedings of the 9th International seminar of historical studies "From Rome to the Third Rome". The seminar, started in 1981 at the initiative of the Universita` di Roma "La Sapienza," studies political, cultural and religious issues of the three European centers of Orthodox religion: Rome, Constantinople, and Moscow. The ninth issue is focused on the idea of power and its political personification and practice: the relationship between civil and spiritual authorities; the process of the adaptation and transformation of Byzantine ideas of power and authority on Russian soil; the order of succession to the throne; perception of knightly power in Muscovy; symbols of state; coronation procedure; etc.