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Мегаполис на Рубеже Веков
Социально-Экономический и Экологическии Аспекты
[ Megapolis na Rubezhe Vekov : Sotsial`no-Ekonomicheskii i Ekologicheskii Aspekty]
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Ред. Л.Д. Корпанова, Н.П. Кононкова Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: ИНИОН РАН, 2000 211 p Серия: Экономические и Социальные Проблемы России, 2000-1 обл. Тираж 300 ISBN: 5718688874 Язык: Русский
This is a collection of reviews of modern urban studies particularly large agglomerations in Russia and abroad. Among the topics discussed are: formation of the labor force in Moscow and problems of its use; ecological problems in the Moscow megalopolis; state ownership and state regulation of land use.