Anthology of satire and humor in Russia in the 20th century
Volume 28: Evgenii Zamiatin
[ Antologiia Satiry i Iumora Rossii XX Veka: V 50 Tomakh : Tom 28: Evgenii Zamiatin]
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Comp. by S. Nikonenko Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: EKSMO-Press, 2003 603 p. [8 ill.] Hardcover. 12.5 x 20 cm ISBN: 5699034757 (t. 28) Язык: Русский
This is the most complete collection of satirical works by the prominent writer Eugene Zamiatin (1884-1937), a leader of the literary group Serapionovy Brat`ia. It includes his stories, the novel My, tales, the play Blokha, and excerpts from his note books. Also included are memoirs of his contemporaries: N. Otsup, Iu. Annenkov, Z. Shakhovskaia. Comments. The series was started in 2000. The previous volumes and a standing order are available.