Антология Сатиры и Юмора России ХХ Века: В 50 Томах
Том 1: Акадий Арканов
[ Antologiia Satiry i Iumora Rossii XX Veka: V 50 tomakh : Tom 1: Arkadii Arkanov]
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Москва: ЭКСМО-Пресс, 2000, 2002 544 p. [32 ill.] Серия: Антология сатиры и юмора России ХХ века пер. 12.5 x 20 см ISBN: 5040046546 Язык: Русский
This is the first volume of the series Anthology of Satire and Humor of Russia of the 20th century. This volume is a collection of works by Arkadii Arkanov (1933-2015): stories, parodies, comedies, miniatures for stand-up comics, a novel. They were mostly published in periodicals, and have never been gathered together under one cover.