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В Нашу Гавань Заходили Корабли: Актеры и Песни
По Мотивам Телевизионной Передачи
[ V Nashu Gavan` Zakhodili Korabli: Aktery i Pesni : Po Motivam Televizionnoi Peredachi]
Po Motivam Televizionnoi Peredachi Сост. Е. Филина Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: Эксмо, 2002 Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 100
Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 122
ISBN: 5699007040 Язык: Русский
Eduard Uspenskii and Eleonora Filina are hosts of a very popular TV show where people come and perform the favorite songs of their childhood, what could be called city folklore. This is the second book in the series. It is a collection of lyrics performed by Russian actors in famous films, theater productions, and on stage.