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[ Khrushchevskaia ]
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2nd upd. and enl. ed
??????: ROSSPEN, 2010 622 p Hardcover. 17 x 23.5 cm ISBN: 9785824313970 Язык: Русский
This is the second updated and significantly enlarged edition of the monograph on the liberalization of the soviet regime during Khrushchev`s administration (1953-1964), which became known as “Ottepel`” (Thaw). What exactly changed, in what areas of domestic and foreign policy, and how during this time? What was the reaction of Stalin`s successors and of the society to the changes? What changed in the relations between the "top" and the "bottom", and in the image of the leader in the public mind? How consistent were these changes? These and other issues of relations within the nomenklatura, and between the nomenklatura and the people are studied in this book in detail. Bibliographical references. Name index.