[ Inzhenery Stalina : Zhizn` mezhdu Tekhnikoi i Terrorom v 1930-e Gody]
Stalins Ingenieure: Lebenswelten Zwischen Technik und Terror in den 1930er Jahren Tr. from German by V.A. Brun-Tsekhovskii, L.Iu. Pantina Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: ROSSPEN, 2011 479 p Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm ISBN: 9785824315721 Язык: Русский
This monograph studies the first generation of soviet technical intelligencia which at the end of 1920 replaced the so called "old specialists" who were educated under the old regime. This generation, though it took a big loss from Stalin`s terror, remained devoted to the communist idea and the Party. The monograph gives a social portrait of this generation, their political views, family life, standards of life, professional careers. Supplements include 14 short biographies of soviet engineers. Name index. (0.595 kg.)