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Русские Писатели - Лауреаты Нобелевскои Премий
Выпуск 4. И. Бродскии. Стихотворения и Ессе
[ Russkie Pisateli - Laureaty Nobelevskoi Premii : Vypusk 4. I. Brodskii. Stikhotvoreniia i Esse]
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Санкт Петербург: Златоуст, 1998 40 p Серия: Русские Писатели - Лауреаты Нобелевскои Премии pbk. ISBN: 5865470620 Язык: Русский
The series includes adapted texts by Russian writers, Nobel Prize winners, for non-native Russian students for five levels of proficiency and vocabulary: first (about 760 word); second (1,300); third (1,500); forth (2,300); fifth (3,000). This issue is for students of the third level. In addition to literary texts, each issue includes comments, self-check questions, and a list of words beyond the lexical minimum. Also included are a brief about the Nobel Prize Foundation, a biography of the winner, and his Nobel Prize acceptance speech.