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Vainakh peoples and the imperial power
The issue of Chechnya and Ingushetia in the inner policy of Russia and the USSR: early XIX - mid XX centuries
[ Vainakhi i Imperskaia Vlast` : Problema Chechni i Ingushetii vo Vnutrennei Politike Rossii I SSSR: Nachalo XIX - Seredina XX v.]
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Ed. by V.A. Kozlov et al Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
??????: ROSSPEN, 2011 1,094 p Hardcover. 16 x 24 cm ISBN: 9785824314434 Язык: Русский
The Nakh peoples are a group of historical and modern ethnic groups speaking (or historically speaking) Nakh languages and sharing certain cultural traits. In modern days, they reside almost entirely in the North Caucasus, namely Chechens, Ingush and Georgian Kist, due to the extinction of other peoples. This book studies the internal policy of the Russian Empire and the USSR towards Ingushetia and Chechnya in the context of Russian national and world history in the 19th-20th centuries. Among contributors to this monograph are: V.I. Sheremet, P.M. Polian, V.A. Kozlov, M.E. Kozlova. Comments. Bibliography. Indices.