V. 1: Moscow in the 1840`s; Journey abroad. V. 2: Moscow University; Zemstvo and Moscow Duma
[ Vospominaniia: V 2-kh Tomakh. : T. 1: Moskva Sorokovykh Godov; Puteshestvie za Granitsu. T. 2: Moskovskii Universitet; Zemstvo i Moskovskaia Duma]
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Ed. by L. Zakovorotna Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: Izd-vo im. Sabashnikovykh, 2010 496+528 pp Серия: Записи Прошлого Hardcover. 14 x 22 cm ISBN: 5824201218 Язык: Русский
B.N. Chicherin (1829-1904) is best known as a prominent philosopher, lawyer, and historian, the originator of "the state organization theory" in Russian historiography, one of the leaders of the liberal, western oriented wing in the Russian social movement. He left many works on philosophy of law, history, constitutional law, monarchy, government, and current writings. The book is a complete publication of his memoirs published in 1929-1934. It covers 1828-1904: his youth, studies at Moscow University, and opposition of Slavophiles and Westernizers in the pre-reform period, the First Duma, his professorship, and more. Also available by the same author: Sobstvennost` i Gosudarstvo (2005); Istoriia Politicheskikh Uchenii V Trekh Tomakh (2006-2008). (1.315 kg.)