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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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$ 42.00
Рахматуллин, М.А
Екатерина II, Николай I, А.С. Пушкин в Воспоминаниях Современников

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[ Ekaterina II, Nikolai I, A.S. Pushkin v Vospominaniiakh Sovremennikov]

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Comp. by A.L. Khoroshkevich
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Москва:  Памятники исторической мысли, 2009
640 p. [24 ill.]Иллюстрации
пер. 14 x 21 см
ISBN: 9785884512634
Язык: Русский
Morgan Rakhmatullin (1927-2006), a specialist in peasant history of the 19th century and assistant to the editor of journal "History of the USSR", had several more areas of scholarly interest. This collection presents him as a historian of the 18th-19th centuries, and includes his works on different aspects of the mutual relationships between autocracy and society. Most of this book is taken by the biography of Nicholas I (pp. 133-396). Also included are his works on Catherine II, Pushkin, the Decembrists, and his own diaries.
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