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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств. |
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Конгресс Российской Интеллигенции
Москва, 10-11 Декабря 1997 г.
[ Kongress Rossiiskoi Intelligentsii : Moskva, 10-11 Dekabria 1997 g.]
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Санкт Петербург: С.-Петербургский Гуманитарныи Университет Профсоюзов, 1998 291 p пер. 14 x 21 см ISBN: 5762100820 Язык: РусскийThis is not the first time in Russian history, when the country and society experience political and spiritual crisis, the Russian Intelligentsia redefines its own role in society and its relations with government and power, takes responsibility for making a social diagnosis and search for a cure. This book is a collection of presentations made on the constituent assembly of intelligentsia of many professions and activities: scholars, writers, lawyers, artists, political activists, architects, etc. Supplements include Declaration of the Rights of Culture, developed by academician D. Likhachev; Declaration on non-participation in research and production of weapons of mass destruction; Statute of All-Russian social movement "Congress of Intelligentsia of the Russian Federation".
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