Кожевникова; Н.А., Петрова; З.Ю Материалы к Словарю Метафор и Сравнений Русской Литературы XIX-XX вв.
Вып.2: Звери, Насекомые, Рыбы, Змеи
[ Materialy k Slovariu Metafor i Sravnenii Russkoi Literatury XIX-XX Vekov : Vypusk 2: Zveri, Nasekomye, Ryby, Zmei]
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Ed. by L.L. Shestakova
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Москва: Языки славянских культур, 2010 512 p пер. 16 x 24 см. Тираж 800 ISBN: 9785955103754 Язык: РусскийThis is the second volume of the series of materials for a dictionary of metaphors, tropes and comparisons used in Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries. The first volume of the dictionary (2000) was about birds as a metaphor and object for comparison as well as tropes which include images of birds or their derivatives. The current volume is about animals, insects, fish, and snakes. The dictionary presents a system of images and literary analysis. (0.865 kg.)