[ Istoriia Politicheskikh Uchenii : V Trekh Tomakh: Toma 1 i 2]
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Ed., introd. and comm. by I.I. Evlampiev Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: RKhGA, 2006-2008 719+747 pp Hardcover. 15 x 24 cm ISBN: 5888122462 (v. 1) Язык: Русский
This is the first reprint since the early 20th century of the classical work in three volumes by B.N. Chicherin (1829-1904), a prominent philosopher, lawyer, and historian. It includes a detailed analysis of the development of political thought in Europe from Antiquity to the mid 19th century. The editor of this work I.I. Evlampiev calls it "An encyclopedia of legal and political thought". Comments. Also available by the same author: Nauka I Religiia (1999); Sobstvennost` i Gosudarstvo (2005).