Rossiiskaia Filosofiia Prodolzhaetsia
Iz XX Veka v XXI
[ Russian philosophy continues : From the 20th to the 21st century]
Comp. by B.I. Pruzhinin
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010 446 p. [32 ill.] Serie: Filosofiia Rossii vtoroi poloviny XX veka Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm ISBN: 9785824313321 Language: RussianThis volume of the series is rather special. It is about four modern Russian philosophers and their ideas: A.A. Guseinov, Z.A. Kamenskii, V.A. Lektorskii, T.I. Oizerman, and V.S. Stepin. They represent four directions of philosophical study: philosophy of science, history of philosophy, ethics, and epistemology. The volume includes interviews and conversations with them, discussions of their books, selected bibliographies of their works. Bibliography. Name index. Other books from the series are also available.