Массовые беспорядки в СССР при Хрущеве и Брежневе, 1953--начало 1980-х гг.
1953 - early 1980s
[ Massovye Besporiadki v SSSR pri Khrushcheve i Brezhneve : 1953 - Nachalo 1980-kh gg.]
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3d upd. and enl. ed
Москва: РОССПЭН, 2010 463 p пер. 14 x 21 см ISBN: 9785824312058 Язык: Русский
This book covers one of the least studied themes in Soviet history: mass protests from Stalin`s death in 1953 until the death of Andropov. This is the most complete study of conflicts between the population and authorities that took place in several regions of the USSR: Kazakhstan, Ingushetiia, Caucasus, several large Russian cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. The author divided the conflicts into several types by cause and their participants; "tselina syndrom", soldiers` unrest, ethnic conflicts, deported peoples, political protest, unrest of town marginal inhabitants, liberal communist movement, etc. Vladimir Kozlov (b. 1950) is a specialist in the social history of Russia in the 20th century. Name and geographical indices.