Древние Народы Сибири: Этнический Состав по Данным Топонимики
Том 1: Предыстория Человека и Языка: Уральцы. Томе II: Кеты
[ Drevnie Narody Sibiri: Etnicheskii Sostav po Dannym Toponimiki : Tom I: Predystoriia Cheloveka i Iazyka: Ural`tsy. Tom II: Kety]
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Томск: Изд-во Томского Университета, 1999-2000 282 + 311 pp пер. 14 x 20 см ISBN: 5751110269 (v. 1) Язык: ???????
Volume one presents the author`s theory of the first human settlement on the planet, the creation of human populations and their languages and covers the history of the formation of the peoples of the Finno-Ugrik language group and their languages. Volume two includes the history of one of Siberial people - Kety. The book continues his previous Paleotoponimika (010745). Extensive bibliography.