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Изборник 1076 Года
В 2-х Томах
[ Izbornik 1076 Goda : V 2-kh Tomakh]
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Ред. А.М. Молдован 2-e izd., pererab. I dop
Москва: Рукописные памятники Древней Руси, 2009 744+448 pp Серия: Памятники Славяно-Русской Письменности. Новая Серия audio пер. 16 x 23 см ISBN: 9785955103211 Язык: Русский
Izbornik 1076 (Anthology of 1076) is one of the oldest manuscripts of Old Rus. It includes spiritual and moral texts of early Slavic literacy and culture. The first publication of Izbornik was in 1965 when scholars did not yet have enough information about the history of this text. This new edition is based on many new Slavic sources and Greek parallel texts. The current publication includes several textological prefaces, the Slavic version of Izbornik with paleographic and textological comments, and photography of the original text.