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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств. |
Кожевникова, Г.В., Сибирева, О.А., Верховский, А Ксенофобия, Свобода Совести и Антиэкстремизм в России в 2008
Сборник Ежегодных Докладов Информационно-Аналитического Центра «Сова»
[ Ksenofobiia, Svoboda Sovesti i Antiekstremizm v Rossii v 2008 : Sbornik Ezhegodnykh Dokladov Informatsionno-Analiticheskogo Tsentra "Sova"]
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Москва: Информационно-Аналитичесsкий Центр «Сова», 2009 158 p обл. 14 x 20 см ISBN: 5984180191 Язык: РусскийGalina Kozhevnikova (1975-2011) was the assistant director of the research center SOVa, the leading specialist in studies of xenofobia and nationalism, a unique expert in neonationalism in Russia. This is the third annual report of the SOVA Center on this topic. The report summarizes all the major areas of research by the Center for Information and Analysis in 2008. The first report addresses pressing issues, such as the growth of nationalism, hate crimes, and the efforts of government and society to combat these problems. The second report focuses on the increasingly visible tendency to misuse freedom of speech and conscience legislation. It explores various cases and areas relating to freedom of conscience in contemporary Russia: religious practices, army, penitentiaries, etc. The third report analyzes unjustified use of anti-extremist legislation in Russia in 2008. Appendices include statistical data and the cases which were tried by Russian courts on extremist charges. Previous reports are also available.
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