С Приложением Новых Материалов из Нидерландских Архивов
[ Duel` i Smert` Pushkina : S Prilozheniem Novykh Materialov iz Niderlandskikh Arkhivov]
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Вступ. и ком. Я.Л. Левкович 5th upd. and enl. ed
Санкт Петербург: Академический Проект, 1999 655 p Серия: Пушкинская Библиотека пер. 14 x 20.5 cm ISBN: 5733101423 Язык: Русский
Pavel Shchegolev (1877-1931) was known as a scholar, publisher and an editor of the magazine “Byloe,” the first periodical on the history of liberation movements in Russia. This book was the first on the last days of Pushkin and the history of his duel with d`Anthes, and became a classic work used by almost all scholars on the subject. This edition versus the last fourth in 1987 has the following new features: all quotes from Pushkin letters and diaries are checked with the most trustworthy sources and all errors in previous editions corrected. Many foreign quotations are provided with commentaries and translations.