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Управление Государством
Проблемы и Тенденции Развития. Политическая Наука: Ежегодник 2007
[ Upravlenie Gosudarstvom : Problemy i Tendentsii Razvitiia. Politicheskaia Nauka: Ezhegodnik 2007]
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Ред. А.И. Соловьев Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: РОССПЕН, 2008 510 p Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm ISBN: 9785824311129 Язык: Русский
The latest volume of the yearbook "Political Science” contains materials on institutional and non-institutional processes in the government administration of modern Russia. Also available the yearbooks for 2004-2006 and standing order.