Философские Эссе о Современной Культуре и о Творчестве Достоевского, Толкина, Ортеги-и-Гассета
[ Vyrozhdenie ili Vozrozhdenie? : Filosofskie Esse o Sovremennoi Kul`ture i o Tvorchestve Dostoevskogo, Tolkina, Ortegi-i-Gasseta]
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Москва: Культурная революция, 2006 304 p Серия: Aestetica пер. 12.5 x 20 cm ISBN: 5902764114 Язык: Русский
The authors analyze the current state of culture and its prospects. They pay special attention to the dynamics and rhythms of various cultures and discuss the symptoms of a cultural crisis. The modern cultural situation is viewed by the authors as crucial or "bifurcational" which may lead to its degradation or to a new Renaissance. Pantin and Stoliarova find a lot of support for their philosophical approach in the works of Dostoevskii, Tolkien, and Ortega y Gasset which they analyze in this book. Bibliography.