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Сост. и ком. Л.Я. Гинзбург Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: Захаров, 2005 960 p Серия: Биографии и мемуары пер. 13 x 20 см ISBN: 5815903361 Язык: Русский
Prince Petr Andreevich Viazemskii (1792-1878), an officer and a statesman, was also a poet, literary critic, and author of memoirs. He was called "A Decembrist without December" because he shared most of their views. Viazemskii started to keep notes at the age of 21 and kept them until his last day. This is a reprint of his note books which were published during his lifetime in his collected works as three separate volumes (vols. 8-10). The notebooks are provided with a new name index.