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Россия и Её Регионы в ХХ Веке
Территория - Расселение - Миграции
[ Rossiia i Ee Regiony v XX Veke : Territoriia - Rasselenie - Migratsii]
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Под ред. О. Глезер и П. Поляна Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home3/russianp/public_html/books/fullBookDetails.php on line 85
Москва: ОГИ, 2005 816 p Серия: Нация и Культура / Новые исследования пер. 14 x 21 см ISBN: 5942822603 Язык: Русский
This is a collective monograph in a new field called "social geography". The contributors analyze administrative and territorial division of Russia in the 20th century, the dynamics of their population and demographic-social modernization of the society; urbanization and the role of cities in the development; inside and outside migrations. In some way, this monograph summarizes geo-demographical results of the twentieth century, and focuses on the last decade, including polcentical (?) development of the country, adaptation of the population to social changes, position of Orthodox monasteries between cities and villages. One of the chapters contains a detailed analysis of the 2002 Census. Many statistical data are presented in diagrams and tables.