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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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$ 19.00
Shamshurin, Valerii
Destiny of Kuz`ma Minin
Historical novel
[ Zhrebii Kuz`my Minina : Istoricheskii Roman]

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Москва:  AST, Astrel`, Tranzitkniga, 2004
540 p
Hardcover. 13 x 20 cm
ISBN: 5170232365
Язык: Русский
Kuz`ma Minin (?-1616), a citizen of Nizhnii Novgorod and a butcher, was elected to the office of the zemstvo starshina by the people during the Time of Troubles. He and Prince Pozharskii brought about the expulsion of Polish conquerors from Moscow, ended the strife against Sweden in the North, helped to suppress a protracted inner tumult, and indirectly contributed to the establishment of the new Romanov dynasty (1613). This novel tells how Minin happened to see the image of Russian Saint Sergii Radonezhskii who inspired him to became a leader of the opolchenie (Territorial Army). Valerii Shamshurin (b. 1939), a historian by education, is the author of several historical novels. Comments.
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