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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств. |
Военная тема, Безопасность, Космос
Код: 003065A Zhukov, G.K Memoirs and thoughts
[ Memoirs and thoughts ] Москва: Agentstvo pechati Novosti, 1971 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 29.00 | This is the very first edition of the memoirs of the prominent and controversial Russian military leader of World War II, Georgii Zhukov (1896-1974). He also played a significant role in post-war soviet political life, including his famous speech at the plenary council of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the cult of Stalin and the arrest of Beriia. | |
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Код: 009697-4 Военная энциклопедия: В 8-и томах
[ Military Encyclopedia: Volum 4 ] Москва: Воениздат, 1999 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 165.00 | This encyclopedia was begun in 1990 as the second edition of the Soviet Military Encyclopedia. The editorial board of the encyclopedia stopped publishing it after the demise of the Soviet Union. The publication was restored under the new title "Military Encyclopedia" beginning with the second volume. | |
| | Код: 015995 Сызранцев, В.Г Воинские преступления Kommentarii k Glave 33 UK RF [ Military Crimes: Comments to Chapter 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ] С. Петербург: Юридическы Сентер Пресс, 2002 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 29.00 | In analyzing every constituent element of a crime the present comment takes into account the provisions of basic legislation and case law. Appendix to the book contains comparative analysis of the corresponding articles of the 1996 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with the same law of 1966, as well as normative materials, and judicial practice related to Section eleven, chapter thirty-three of the Criminal Code. | |
| | Код: 002048-3 Газукин, Павел Вооруженные Силы Россиискои Федераций Biograficheskii Spravochnik [ The armed forces of the Russian federation : Biographical handbook ] Москва: Панорама, 1996 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 45.00 | This handbook includes biographies of the top level officers of the Russian armed forces, as well as a short sketch about the formation of the Russian defense ministry after 1992, a list of the military districts, fleets and flotillas, the main peacekeeping contingents both in Russia and outside it. | |
| | Код: 007193 Лопуха, А.Д Жизненные Силы Патриотизма в Современнои Россий Opyt Sotsiologicheskogo Analiza [ Vital forces of patriotism in modern Russia : Sociological analysis ] Москва: Русаки, 2000 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 15.00 | What are prospects for the revival of Russian patriotism tested and damaged by the period of economic reform of the last decade? How to restore this feeling in Russian society, and first of all in army? The author offers a social mechanism of encouraging patriotism in schools, colleges, and the army. | |
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Код: 003203-2 КЛИО Mezhvuzovskii Zhurnal dlia Uchenykh [ Clio: Journal for scholars ] Санкт Петербург: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского Гос. Технического Университета, 1997 - Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 19.50 | This journal covers a wide spectrum of topics on Russian military history, old and quite recent, and related historical topics. In addition to recent studies, the journal includes memoirs, book reviews, and materials from conferences. | |
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Код: 003203-5 КЛИО Mezhvuzovskii Zhurnal dlia Uchenykh [ Clio: Journal for scholars ] Санкт Петербург: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского Гос. Технического Университета, 1998 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 22.50 | This journal covers a wide spectrum of topics on Russian military history, old and quite recent, and related historical topics. In addition to recent studies, the journal includes memoirs, book reviews, and materials from conferences. | |
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Код: 003203-4 КЛИО Mezhvuzovskii Zhurnal dlia Uchenykh [ Clio: Journal for scholars ] Санкт Петербург: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского Гос. Технического Университета, 1998 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 21.00 | This journal covers a wide spectrum of topics on Russian military history, old and quite recent, and related historical topics. In addition to recent studies, the journal includes memoirs, book reviews, and materials from conferences. | |
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Код: 003203-3 КЛИО Mezhvuzovskii Zhurnal dlia Uchenykh [ Clio: Journal for scholars ] Санкт Петербург: Нестор, 1997 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 21.00 | This journal covers a wide spectrum of topics on Russian military history, old and quite recent, and related historical topics. In addition to recent studies, the journal includes memoirs, book reviews, and materials from conferences. | |
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Код: 003203-6 КЛИО. Выпуск 3(6) Mezhvuzovskii Zhurnal dlia Uchenykh. [ Clio: Journal for scholars ] Санкт Петербург: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского Гос. Технического Университета, 1998 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 22.50 | This journal covers a wide spectrum of topics on Russian military history, old and quite recent, and related historical topics. In addition to recent studies, the journal includes memoirs, book reviews, and materials from conferences. | |
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Код: 017009 Национальная Программа России по Созданию Авятсионных И Аерокосмических Систем, Основанных на Принципе Активного Енергетического Взаимодеиствия Летательных Аппаратов с Гиперзвуковым Воздушным Потоком ъАИАКС Materialy Nauchno-Tekhnicheskogo Soveta Komiteta RF po Oboronnym otrasliam Promyshlennosti [ Russian National Program for the creation of aviation and aerospace systems based on the principle of active energetic interaction of flight vehicles with hypersonic airflow : Minutes of Scientific Council of Russian federation Committee on defense industries ] Санкт Петербург: Научно-Техническии Совет Комитета РФ по Оборонным Отраслям Промышленности, 1994 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 36.00 | Minutes of a presentation made by the Chief Designer of the research institute on hypersonic flying vehicles (HFV) V. Fraishtadt in a meeting of the State Committee of Defense Industries on December 17, 1993. | |
| | Код: 010914-2 Михаиловскии, А.П Рабочая Глубина Zapiski Podvodnika [ Working depth : Notes of a submariner ] Санкт Петербург: Наука, 1996 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 20.00 | This is the second book of the memoirs of the military scientist A. Mikhailovskii (the first is "Vertikal`noe Vsplytie" (1010914-1)) devoted to the history of the Russian navy. It covers the next period (1970s-1980s) in the history of the building, developing, and use of Russian atomic submarines, which was intended to provide military parity between Russia and NATO. | |
| | Код: 024823 Дубровская, Е.Ю Российские Военнослужащие и Население финляндии в Годы Первой Мировой Войны (1914-1918) Uchebnoe Posobie [ Russian armed forces and the populations of Finland in the years of WWI (1914-1918) : School book ] Петрозаводск: Изд-во ПетрГУ, 2008 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 19.00 | This monograph-textbook studies for the first time the relationship between Russian military officers quartered in the Great Kingdom of Finland and its population at the final stage of Finnish autonomy and during the 1917 Russian revolution and WWI. | |
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Код: 003249-4 Словарь Эрудита. Вып. 4 Voennaia Nauka. Morskoe delo. Tekhnika [ Erudire dictionary. Volume four : Military science. Navy. Technology and engineering ] Санкт Петербург: Фолио-Пресс, 1998 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 15.00 | | |
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Код: 002110-98 Совет Безопасности Россиискои Федераций Strukturno-Biograficheskii Spravochnik [ The Security Council of the Russian Federation : Structural and biographical handbook ] Москва: Панорама, 1998, March Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 97.50 | This handbook contains information on the structure and function of the Security council of the Russian Federation, biographical essays about its leaders and members, documents defining the status, mandate and responsibilities of this council, phone numbers. | |
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Код: 009697-1 Советская Военная Энциклопедия Tom 1 [ Soviet military encyclopedia : Volume 1 ] Москва: Воениздат, 1990 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 75.00 | This encyclopedia was begun in 1990 as the second edition of the Soviet Military Encyclopedia. The editorial board of the encyclopedia stopped publishing it after the demise of the Soviet Union. The publication was restored under the new title "Military Encyclopedia" beginning with the second volume. | |
| | Код: 003981 Серебрянников, В.В Социология Войны
[ Sociology of war ] Москва: Научный Мир, 1997 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 21.00 | The author studies war as a subject of political and military sociology: the evolution of war in the twentieth century, the mechanism of starting a war, social attitude towards wars and its brutality, socio-political aspect of the Chechen war in Russian society, new approach to world security, etc. | |
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Код: 004298 Термины и Понятия Военнои Истории Руси, Россий
[ Terms and concepts of the military history of Rus and Russia ] Санкт Петербург: Нестор, 1998 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 9.00 | Dictionary of Russian words for a course on military history from ancient times to the present. | |
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