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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств. |
Художественная Литература: 20-е - 21-е Век
Всего записей: 1013 | [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ] | [ 6 ] | [ 7 ] | [ 8 ] | [ 9 ] | [ 10 ] | [ 11 ] | [ 12 ] | [ 13 ] | [ 14 ] | [ 15 ] | [ 16 ] | [ 17 ] | [ 18 ] | [ 19 ] | [ 20 ] | [ 21 ] | [ 22 ] | [ 23 ] | [ 24 ] | [ 25 ] | [ 26 ] | [ 27 ] | [ 28 ] | [ 29 ] | [ 30 ] | [ 31 ] | [ 32 ] | [ 33 ] | [ 34 ] |
Код: 008857-3 Burlatskii, Fedor Machiavelli: Advisor to the sovereign Sovetnik Gosudaria [ Machiavelli: Advisor to the sovereign ] Moscow: Sobranie, 2008 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 18.00 | Lev Kamenev was the first one who warned about the budding cult of the political leader in the Bolshevik state; he also wrote the introduction to the first publication in Soviet Russia of Niccolo Machiavelli`s works. | |
| | Код: 028809 Vorob`ev, Valentin Moonlighters
[ Moonlighters ] Москва: Novoe Literturnoe Obozrenie, 2012 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 32.00 | This is the third book of memoirs of the artist Valentin Vorob`ev (b. 1938), an active figure of the "second Russian avant-garde". Like many of his circle he had a choice to go to jail for being a free artist or to emigrate in the 1970s. | |
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Код: 006596 The Russian Gothic tale of 19th century
[ The Russian Gothic tale of 19th century ] Москва: Tri kvadrata, 2008 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 29.00 | This collection presents the 100 year tradition of the Russian gothic story as an independent literary genre. This anthology is arranged chronologically, and includes stories from 1794 to the 1910s (from N. | |
| | Код: 001901 Radzinskii, Edvard Butcher Razgovory na Puti na Gil`otinu [ Butcher : Conversation on the the way to guillotine ] Moscow-Minsk: AST, Kharvest, 2007 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 13.00 | This is the first publication of the play by the popular Russian writer Edvard Radzinskii. | |
| | Код: 002714 Platonov, A.P Stories. Tales
[ Stories. Tales ] Kaliningrad: Iantarnyi Skaz, 2002 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 10.50 | A collection of stories by A. Platonov with a short biographical sketch. | |
| | Код: 002773 Pokrovskii, Aleksander Mangushev and lightning Povest`, a Takzhe Vsiakie Istorii, Skazochnye i Pravdivye [ Mangushev and lightning ] St. Petersburg: Inapress, 2004 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 12.00 | Collection of 27 stories by the popular writer Aleksander Pokrovskii. | |
| | Код: 002909-3B Frai, Maks Russian foreign stories - 3: Anthology
[ Russian foreign stories - 3: Anthology ] St. Petersburg: Amfora, 2005 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 22.10 | This is the third volume of the collection of contemporary literary tales collected by the well known writer Maks Frai. The collector of these tales is convinced that this genre is not dead, but that now tales are written more for adults than for children. | |
| | Код: 003268-2 Chudakova, Marietta The Business and misfortunes of Zhenia Osinkina Portret Neizvestnoi v Belom [ The Business and misfortunes of Zhenia Osinkina : Portrait of an unknown lady in white ] Moscow: Vremia, 2006 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 17.00 | This book was unexpected both for the author herself and for her audience. Marietta Chudakova is a specialist in Mikhail Bulgakov, editor of the series Tynianovskie Chteniia, and a historian of the literature of the twentieth century. | |
| | | Код: 018316-7 Khazanov, Boris A Man-pen: Writers and literature
[ A Man-pen: Writers and literature ] Москва: Aleteiia, 2014 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 32.00 | This is the seventh volume of the unnumbered collected works by Boris Khazanov (Faibusovich, b. 1928). A founder of the new novel, Gustave Flaubert called himself a man-pen. This book is a collection of essays and studies about the work of a writer and the author’s favorite writers of various countries (0. | |
| | | Код: 028936 Shcheglov, Iu.K Prose, poetry, poetics Izbrannye Raboty [ Prose, poetry, poetics : Selected works ] Москва: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2012 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 39.00 | Iurii Shcheglov (1937-2009), Russian linguist, writer and historian of literature, was the author (along with A.K. Zholkovskii) of concepts "generativnaia poetika" and "poetika vyrazitel`nosti". This book is a collection of his prose, poetry and articles on numerous writers: from Publius Ovidius Naso to Voinovich. | |
| | Код: 003789 МИHАЛCHУК Л. Sergeev and the town Roman [ Sergeev and the town : Novel ] Москва: OGI, 2005 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 18.00 | Oleg Zaionchovskii, an offspring of an old Polish family, was an investigator in a small town near Moscow. His novel about the people of this town was critically acclaimed and received several literary awards. | |
| | Код: 003790 Zaionchkovskii, Oleg Petrovich
[ Petrovich ] Москва: OGI, 2005 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 18.00 | This is one of the best known works by Oleg Zaionchkovskii, the rising star of Russian literature. The main character of this novel is a teenager called in the adult way as Petrovich. | |
| | Код: 029214 Zagorskaia, E.Ia., Taktashova, T.V., Taktashov, E.V., et al Personality, characters, fate: Works of Russian classic writers with commentary and assignments Uchebnoe Posobie [ Personality, characters, fate: Works of Russian classic writers with commentary and assignments ] Москва: Flinta: Nauka, 2013 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 19.00 | The teaching aid contains analytical reading for students of Russian as a second language (advanced level): adapted and subset works of Russian classic writers: L. Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, and Bunin. | |
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Код: 007085-41 Epigrams Antologiia Satiry i Iumora Rossii XX Veka. Tom 41 [ Epigrams : Anthology of satire and humor of Russia in the 20th century. Volume 41 ] Москва: Eksmo, 2005 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 23.40 | The forty-first volume of the Anthology of Satire and Humor consists of epigrams of the twentieth century. Many very famous Russian poets, artists and writers are presented from a new angle. Comments include information about each author of the collections. | |
| | Код: 004218 Afanas`eva, Elena Do not be a
[ Do not be a ] Moscow: Zakharov, 2004 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 18.00 | A new detective novel by a new Russian writer alias Elena Afanas`eva is written in best traditions of Boris Akunin. | |
| | Код: 023380-4 Merezhkovskii, D.S. (Dmitrii Sergeevich) Collected works Dante. Napoleon [ Collected works : Dante. Napoleon ] Москва: Respublika, 2000 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 39.00 | Two biographical novels by Dmitrii Merezhkovskii. | |
| | | Код: 028294 Klimov, A.Ia The adventures of ensign Klimov
[ The adventures of ensign Klimov ] Москва: Pushkinskii Dom, 2011 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 25.00 | This book is based on the manuscripts kept in G. Derzhavin archives, and presents the memories of the Russian nobleman, a participant of the Seven Years’ War which involved all the European states. Comments. | |
| | Код: 005544A Pelevin, Viktor Generation "P"
[ Generation "P" ] Moscow: Vagrius, 1999 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 21.00 | 1998 Booker Nominee. | |
| | Код: 006099 Kantor, Vladimir Notes from a half-dead house Dve Povesti, Tri Rasskaza, Radiop`esa [ Notes from a half-dead house : Stories and radio play ] Москва: Progress-Traditsiia, 2003 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 18.00 | Collection of stories and a radio play by a well known Russian writer and philosopher. | |
| | Код: 027278-2 Kurganov, Efim A spy for his majesty, or 1812: Istoriko-Politseiskaia saga [ A spy for his majesty, or 1812: ] Москва: Iks-Khistori, 2011 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 25.00 | This is the second volume of a historical detective story about the Russian-Napoleonic war of 1812 by the well known Russian philologist Efim Kurganov, a specialist in the genre of Russian anecdote. The main character of this story is a real figure, military adviser Jacob de Sanglen, the first director of the Russian supreme military police. | |
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Код: 029252B Mythological stories of Russian peasants of the 19th and 20th centuries
[ Mythological stories of Russian peasants of the 19th and 20th centuries ] Москва: Pushkinskii Dom, 2015 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 49.00 | This is the second edition of the first anthology of mythological stories (bylichkas) of Russian peasants in the 19th and 20th centuries. It includes more than a thousand bylichkas both wide-spread and existing in a single recording. | |
| | Код: 014173 Rakovskii, Leontii Generalissimo Suvorov. Admiral Ushakov. General Kutuzov Istoricheskie Romany [ Generalissimo Suvorov. Admiral Ushakov. General Kutuzov : Historical novel ] Москва: Alfa-Kniga, 2010 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 43.00 | This is a collection of three historical novels about famous Russian military leaders A. Suvorov (1730-1800), F. Ushakov (1745-1817), and M. Kutuzov (1745-1813) by Leontii Rakovskii (1896-1979) | |
| | Код: 001705 Цветков, С Dmitrii the First, the Tsar of Muscovy
[ Dmitrii the First, the Tsar of Muscovy ] Москва: Tsentropoligraf, 1999 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 19.00 | A fictional biography of Dmitrii , the last son of Ivan the Terrible, who became a key figure in the battle for the royal throne among several Russian boyar families. This historical novel includes the life story of Dimitrii and his wife Marina Mnishek. | |
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| Код: 028169-01 Triunity: Russian before the Near East and the not far West: Scholarly-literary almanac Nauchno-Literaturnyi Al`manakh: Vyp.1: 10 Let so Dnia "Chernogo Vtornika" Sentiabria 2001 Goda [ Triunity: Russian before the Near East and the not far West: Scholarly-literary almanac : Issue 1: 10 years from the day of "Black Tuesday" September 2001 ] Москва: Grifon, 2011 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 36.00 | This almanac is the pilot issue of the first collection of theoretical articles about "the colored revolutions" in North Africa and the Near East, including the conflict around Libya. Among the authors are well known scientists and politicians like E. | |
| | Код: 021871 Strugatskii, A., Strugatskii, B A Billion years before the end of the world
[ A Billion years before the end of the world ] Москва: Media Kniga, 2006 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 19.00 | A story by the brothers Strugatskiis (1976). Read by A. Karapetian. 5 hours 11 minutes. For MP3 players. | |
| | Код: 006994 Bulgakov, Mikhail The White Guard
[ The White Guard ] Moscow: Veche, 2007 Язык: Russian | Цена: $ 19.00 | T | |
| | Код: 021867 Strugatskii, A., Strugatskii, B Inhabited island
[ Inhabited island ] Москва: Media Kniga, 2006 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 29.00 | One of the most exciting stories of brothers Strugatskiis (1958). Read by A. Rezalin. 13 hours 15 minutes. For MP3 players. | |
| | Код: 021866 Rybakov, Anatolii Children of Arbat
[ Children of Arbat ] Москва: Media Kniga, 2006 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 29.00 | Autobiographical novel by Anatolii Rybakov (1911-2003). Read by I. Dobriakov. 27 hours 16 minutes. For MP3 players. | |
| | Код: 018912-3 Erlikh, Genrikh Tsar Dmitrii - impostor? Khroniki Grozhnykh Tsarei i Smutnykh Vremen [ Tsar Dmitrii - impostor? : Chronicles of terrible tsars and times of trouble ] Москва: Iauza, Eksmo, 2006 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 21.00 | This book is the third volume of the fictional cycle Chronicles of Terrible Tsars and Times of Troubles based on materials of New Chronology of A.T. Fomenko. It is a literary investigation of Tsar Dmitrii and his fate. | |
| | Код: 029427 Dobrodeev, B.T We are going to Bolshevo: Guide to the past
[ We are going to Bolshevo: Guide to the past ] Москва: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 2013 Язык: Русский | Цена: $ 29.00 | The Union of Cinematographists had their own hotel-sanatorium (Dom Tvorchestva) where members from time to time got free room and board in soviet times. It was also the place where the members of this union got to meet each other and discuss their professional issues. | |
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